Health Sector Anti-Corruption Forum is cleaning up

Issued by the Special Investigating Unit The Health Sector Anti-Corruption Forum (HSACF) is playing a critical role in eradicating corruption in South Africa’s healthcare system. The HSACF has received a report from the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) of over R1.6-billion worth of civil action matters that have been instituted in the High Court and the Read more >

Corruption Watch set to step up the pace of justice

By Mzukisi QoboFirst published on Business Day In 2022 Corruption Watch celebrated a decade of existence. This milestone coincided with the release of the six-volume Zondo state-capture commission report, which detailed the extent to which public officials abused their positions to engage in or facilitate corrupt activities. It also cast a spotlight on how corporates Read more >

Comment on National Council on Gender-Based Violence and Femicide Bill

The Portfolio Committee on Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities is calling for written comments on the National Council on Gender-Based Violence and Femicide Bill [B31-2022]. The bill seeks to establish an independent, multi-sectoral national council which will co-ordinate and implement a coherent national strategic plan to end gender-based violence (GBV) and femicide. It was Read more >

Addressing a gap – how to better support civil society

By Kersty McCourtFirst published on Open Government Partnership Robust and vibrant civil societies play a critical role in contributing to development. Civil society helps shape policies, advocate for the needs and demands of citizens, provide essential services, protect human rights, and strengthen public participation in democracy. Yet, over the past decade, there has been insufficient Read more >

CW to release 2022 annual corruption report

Corruption Watch (CW) will release its 11th annual corruption report, titled Accelerating justice, on Tuesday, 4 April 2023. The report comes at a low point in South Africa’s history, as the country as grapples with the consequences of widespread corruption and deterioration of systems and services, with slow or weak accountability mechanisms. More than a Read more >

CSOs demand clarity, transparency in emergency procurement

As civil society organisations dedicated to building an accountable, democratic and capable state, the government’s new disaster management regulations are cause for alarm. The electricity crisis is destroying the livelihoods of our people. We believe that urgent action is needed to address it. The new emergency procurement provisions, however, threaten more corruption and inefficiency. The Read more >