CW makes submission in court for SABC case

On Friday Corruption Watch delivered submissions to a full bench of judges at the Supreme Court of Appeal in Bloemfontein in the appeal of SABC COO Hlaudi Motsoeneng. An earlier High Court judgment found that he should be suspended and disciplinary action taken against him. The organisation is hoping its submissions will help to once Read more >

New initiative from TI is no beauty contest

The 16th International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC) is under way in Putrajaya, Malaysia – the conference runs from 2 – 4 September 2015 under the theme Ending Impunity: People. Integrity. Action. This year’s IACC brings together 1 000 anti-corruption fighters – Corruption Watch among them – from more than 130 countries to forge solutions to the Read more >

Wits students take the test

As part of the ongoing My Hands Are Clean campaign, Corruption Watch’s mobile polygraph arrived at Wits University yesterday, to raise awareness of the dangers of corruption, and encourage students to not get involved in such activities. The event was organised by Tina Power, chairperson of Students for Law and Social Justice, and a campaigner Read more >

March date change to accommodate religious supporters

FAITH-BASED ORGANISATIONS DECLARE SUPPORT FOR MARCH AGAINST CORRUPTION The last week has seen a significant growth in support for Unite against Corruption and the planned anti-corruption marches. In particular, faith-based organisations have responded to our call to provide moral leadership in the fight against corruption. In order for the marches to be as inclusive as Read more >

CW admitted as amicus in DA vs SABC case

CORRUPTION WATCH ADMITTED AS AMICUS CURIAE IN MATTER BETWEEN HLAUDI MOTSOENENG AND THE DEMOCRATIC ALLIANCE Corruption Watch has been granted leave to intervene as amicus curiae in Hlaudi Motsoeneng / Democratic Alliance & Others (SCA Case No. 393/15), a matter which is on appeal from the Cape High Court and which will involve a determination Read more >

Gaps in appointment process for SAPS commissioner

By Johan Burger It is unclear how long the current national commissioner of the South African Police Service (SAPS), Riah Phiyega, will remain in her position, but she is under immense public pressure to step down as she is about to face a board of inquiry. The final report of the Marikana Commission of Inquiry Read more >

Corruption Watch, Freedom Under Law go to court over Nxasana

JOINT STATEMENT BY CORRUPTION WATCH AND FREEDOM UNDER LAW  Corruption Watch and Freedom Under Law go to court to review Nxasana’s R17-million settlement agreement On 14 May 2015, a settlement agreement was concluded between President Jacob Zuma, the Minister of Justice Michael Masutha and the former National Director of Public Prosecutions (NDPP), Mxolisi Nxasana. Corruption Read more >

Anti-corruption march postponed by a month

BROADER MOBILISATION ANNOUNCED, DATE CHANGED TO 23 SEPTEMBER TO ALLOW FULL PREPARATION FOR MASSIVE MARCHES In the six weeks since Unite against Corruption announced the planned marches to the Union Buildings and Parliament, we have been overwhelmed by the public response. A growing number of organisations together with thousands of individuals have endorsed the marches Read more >

Time the corrupt got their marching orders

By David Lewis A diverse grouping of civil society organisations has called on the public to protest against escalating corruption by joining a picket in front of Parliament on 7 August and a march on the Union Buildings on 19 August. There are three questions that might be addressed to those calling on the public Read more >