CW board member to preside over Moyane disciplinary

UPDATE, 22 May 2018: Kate O’Regan has been replaced by advocate Azhar Bham SC, after an objection by the legal team of Moyane. Moyane’s team had concerns about O’Regan’s impartiality in the matter. Embattled former South African Revenue Service (Sars) commissioner Tom Moyane is to face disciplinary charges. The Presidency announced last week that it Read more >

Vote now for your SA Integrity Idol!

South Africa’s first Integrity Idol will be announced at a public ceremony on 19 May at the Artscape Threatre Centre in Cape Town. Voting is now open, so don’t waste any more time – cast your vote and honour these exemplary public servants. How to vote? National voting begins on 4 May and ends on Read more >

Meet the 2018 Integrity Idols SA finalists!

The finalists in South Africa’s first Integrity Idols initiative have been announced. They are a doctor, a police captain, a nurse, two EMS responders, and an educator, drawn from across the country. South Africans were asked to nominate those civil servants working in the healthcare, education, and safety and security sectors, and whose work ethic Read more >

Police corruption is rife, says CW in parly submissions

Corruption Watch, in its submission to the portfolio committee on police in parliament yesterday, drew attention to the extent of corruption in the police services, and the impunity that allows it to flourish, not only in the provision of policing services, but across society as a whole. The organisation has received 1 165 reports of Read more >

TI training manual for land corruption journos

Transparency International (TI) has developed a comprehensive training manual to support journalists in Africa who are investigating and reporting stories of land corruption. The manual is titled Investigating Land and Corruption in Africa. Corruption in land-related services in Africa is an endemic problem that has affected every second citizen on the continent in recent years, Read more >

Poor governance leads to schools corruption

Many of the financial irregularities taking place in public schools can be solved by introducing better governance structures and principles, said Keeran Madhav, director of forensic services at audit and tax advisory firm Mazars, in a statement. He was commenting on the findings of the recently published Corruption Watch annual report for 2017. The Corruption Read more >

A nation’s fight against corruption and injustice

By Kavisha Pillay First published on News24 Time is constant; it is represented through change. Time is a concept that we usually take for granted – we believe that it will always be there, that we will always have enough of it, and that there will always be more. Unfortunately, ours is a country where Read more >

Looking back, looking ahead

By Mavuso Msimang First published in City Press “O tempora! O mores!” Attributed to Cicero, the illustrious Roman philosopher and statesman who was greatly admired for his humanism, this lament literally translates into “Oh the times! Oh the customs!” It couldn’t be more appropriate for South Africa today. Cicero was commenting on the viciousness and Read more >

CW annual report: over 5 000 complaints in 2017

Corruption Watch, in its 2017 corruption report released today, documents the extent to which growing public pressure on corrupt people and systems has contributed to the significant changes in South Africa. The report, titled The Time is Now, paints a picture of a more emboldened and vocal public, as evidenced by the 25% increase in Read more >