Unizulu again in midst of procurement controversy

By Kwazi Dlamini The University of Zululand (Unizulu) is not new to corruption allegations, harking back to the days of Blade Nzimande as minister of higher education and training, when former Vice-Chancellor Prof Chris De Beer headed up Unizulu. The alleged rife corruption at the institution led to the Department of Higher Education and Training Read more >

AU promotes civil society anti-corruption efforts

By Kwazi Dlamini As part of its effort to fight corruption in Africa, the African Union (AU) hosted the Civil Society Forum III Combating Corruption conference at the Pan African Parliament  in July. With corruption still hindering development in many African countries, the AU has declared 2018 the year of combating corruption in Africa. The Read more >

CW makes submissions on Traditional and Khoi-San Leadership Bill

Corruption Watch has made submissions on the Traditional and Khoi-San Leadership Bill. Our main focus was on issues of good governance and the representation of community interests within traditional leadership structures. Our concerns related to the effect of the bill’s provisions on the ability of communities to voice their concerns within traditional leadership structures and Read more >

JOINT STATEMENT condemning attacks on CSOs and activists

The undersigned organisations condemn the recent vicious attacks on environmental justice activists in South Africa. In one case, we are outraged at the reported murder on 11 July 2018 of Mr D Mpanza, an activist who had opposed a relocation of the community in KwaDube in KwaZulu Natal. KZN violence monitor Mary de Haas has Read more >

National Anti-Corruption Strategy: what’s it about?

UPDATE: The pillars of the National Anti-Corruption Strategy have been consolidated from nine to six. They are: promoting and encouraging active citizenry, whistle-blowing, integrity and transparency; advancing the professionalisation of employees, enhancing governance in institutions, and strengthening resourcing and coordination of performance and accountability. South Africa has the processes and mechanisms in place to fight Read more >

Political party funding to become more transparent

Today the Constitutional Court (ConCourt) handed down judgment in the political party funding-related matter of My Vote Counts (MVC) vs the president of South Africa, the minister of justice, and others. The court ruled that voters have the right to be informed about the sources of the private funding of political parties. In delivering today’s Read more >

Shelved SIU report highlights gross financial mismanagement in GDH

SECTION27, the Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) and Corruption Watch are today making public a Special Investigating Unit (SIU) report that documents widespread corruption and gross financial misconduct totalling some R1.2-billion in the Gauteng Department of Health (GDH) in the period 2006-2010. This SIU investigation was authorised by a presidential proclamation issued in 2010. Since then, Read more >

People’s Tribunal: implicated parties not bothered

When the People’s Tribunal on Economic Crime in South Africa presented its preliminary findings in early February 2018, it stated that all implicated parties would receive the relevant evidence and copies of submissions and those preliminary findings. They would have three months within which to respond. Shortly afterwards NGO Open Secrets served 38 implicated parties Read more >