SA falling behind in action against foreign bribery

In 2018 Transparency International released a further edition of its Exporting Corruption survey, a progress report which rates countries based on their enforcement against foreign bribery under the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention. The OECD convention requires signatory countries to criminalise bribery of foreign public officials and introduce related measures.  That report highlighted South Africa’s failure to Read more >

0800 111 969 – the new ipid toll-free hotline number

Police minister Bheki Cele, with the Independent Police Investigative Directorate’s (Ipid) executive director Jennifer Ntlatseng, has launched a new Ipid toll-free number that aims to centralise the directorate’s communication system, to ensure that all South African residents have maximum and free access to its service. The public can now lodge complaints on 0800 111 969, country-wide. Read more >

CW urges diligence with upcoming lotteries appointments

Corruption Watch (CW) has written to the minister of trade and industry, Ebrahim Patel,  and the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry on the upcoming appointments to the National Lotteries Commission (NLC). The NLC has been in the news frequently of late, for all the wrong reasons – opacity, nepotism, misuse of funds, corruption. Patel Read more >

CW urges DMR minister to act on corruption allegations

By Thato Mahlangu Image: Flickr/GovernmentZA Pleas from some aggrieved mining-affected community members to the minister of the Department of Mineral Resources (DMR), Gwede Mantashe, are said to have fallen on deaf ears as nothing has been done to address their issues. The department is also accused of withholding for over a year a report that Read more >

CW report shows whistle-blower increase during Covid-19

The 2020 edition of Corruption Watch’s Analysis of Corruption Trends (ACT) report, released today, demonstrates growing concerns about corruption levels in South Africa. The report also illustrates that the will of the public to expose the corrupt and seek consequences remains strong even during the pandemic. Almost 2 000 people took the step of blowing Read more >

Corruption Watch to release its half-yearly corruption report

On Tuesday 22 September, Corruption Watch will release its 2020 Analysis of Corruption Trends (ACT) report. This fourth edition of the half-yearly publication provides a snapshot of what the public has identified as areas of concern in the fight against corruption in South Africa. It sheds light on the forms and types of corruption reported Read more >