Covid-19 vaccine procurement in SA entering murky waters

The hot topic of conversation in media, in homes around the country, and on millions of lips is the rollout of South Africa’s Covid-19 vaccination programme. Corruption Watch has been following the developments with interest and concern, and indeed has warned about a repeat of the widespread greed and corruption that emerged during the first Read more >

SA languishes in corruption index despite recent cleanup moves

By David Lewis and Janine ErasmusFirst published on Business Live Despite a number of positive developments during 2020 on the anti-corruption front, SA’s score on Transparency International’s corruption perceptions index remains static. There are several possible reasons for this, not least of which is the governing ANC’s apparent unwillingness or inability to tackle corruption in Read more >

Unemployed youth vulnerable to sextortion: CW youth survey 2020

By Sabeehah MotalaFirst published on News24 In 2020, Corruption Watch surveyed young people to understand their views and experiences of corruption, its second such endeavour since 2014. For the first time, the Youth Perceptions Survey asked participants specifically about their experiences with sextortion – a form of corruption where a person in a position of Read more >

CW innovates with Veza tool, empowers public to hold SAPS accountable

Corruption Watch (CW), in response to the many whistle-blower complaints it has received on police corruption, and inspired by its engagements with communities experiencing police violence and abuse, today launches an interactive open data tool – Veza (a colloquial term for ‘reveal’ or ‘expose’). The first of its kind in South Africa, Veza improves transparency in Read more >

Implementing and Enforcing the AUCPCC: a comparative review

Transparency International’s (TI) new report, titled Implementing and Enforcing the African Union Convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption: a Comparative Review, examines 10 African states in terms of the state of implementation of the AUCPCC. They are Côte d’Ivoire, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Ethiopia, Ghana, Morocco, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Africa and Tunisia. Read more >

Employees let down by failed promise of TERS economic relief

The release of the Corruption Watch Covid-19 TERS Corruption at Work report today highlights the experiences of whistle-blowers short-changed by employers in delivering what was promised as temporary economic relief during Covid-19. The Temporary Employer / Employee Relief Scheme (TERS) was introduced during the national hard lockdown as one of a range of economic stimulus Read more >

MEDIA ADVISORY: CW to launch new report on TERS corruption

Corruption Watch will release the report Covid-19 TERS Corruption at Work on Monday 1 February 2021 at 08h00. The report puts a spotlight on how corruption manifested in the Covid-19 Temporary Employer / Employee Relief Scheme (TERS), as reported by whistle-blowers who approached the organisation. Since the introduction of TERS in March 2020, R37.1-billion from Read more >

2020 CPI: corruption worsens Covid-19 response and recovery

Transparency International’s 2020 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI), released today, highlights how corruption has impacted the ability of countries around the world, including South Africa, to manage their health care responses to the Covid-19 pandemic. South Africa has barely shifted its position, coming in once again with a score of 44 and a rank of 69, Read more >