More police visibility, more police corruption, says ACT report

NOTE TO READERS: The ACT report for 2021 is presented in a different format this year. There is no single published report – rather, this is a multimedia publication with four components. A press release | This article | A set of infographics containing the data in visually captivating form – available in high-res also Read more >

New survey shows decreasing public trust in govt anti-corruption efforts

A new report released on 15 September by research network Afrobarometer reveals that South Africans’ perceptions of the pervasiveness of corruption in the country have not improved. Afrobarometer Dispatch No. 476 (AD476) also shows respondents’ belief that high percentages of elected officials and civil servants are involved in corrupt activities. Corruption has been a major Read more >

Take our whistle-blower perceptions survey

Corruption Watch is a non-profit organisation launched in 2012. We rely on the public to report incidents of corruption to us and we use this information to fight corruption in South Africa and hold our leaders accountable. Over the last nine years, we have received over 30 000 whistle-blower complaints. In order to improve our Read more >

Infrastructure sector gets dedicated anti-corruption forum

By Kwazi Dlamini Corruption Watch (CW), together with other government institutions, joins a new specialist anti-corruption forum focusing on the construction and infrastructure sector. The Infrastructure Built Anti-Corruption Forum (IBACF) aims to prevent and fight corruption in the implementation of the infrastructure investment plan. The investment plan seeks to address a history of massive infrastructure Read more >