Corruption Watch’s big news week

Corruption Watch received extensive media coverage in the last week, ranging from our call to release a report on corruption in the Gauteng health department, to our intervention in the Nkandla saga, to the Mvula Trust R30-million tender exposé, and then our first-year anniversary report launch and press briefing. Below follow links to how these Read more >

Corruption Watch exposes ‘fronting’ in R30m Mvula Trust contract

Corruption Watch has uncovered fronting in a R30-million tender won by Mvula Trust to manage the distribution of hundreds of millions of rand through a communities-based job-creation project. The revelations follow a four-month investigation after CW was approached last year by a whistleblower who alleged that rural development NGO Mvula Trust had obtained a government Read more >

Mvula Trust exposé: the latest

Rural development non-profit Mvula Trust has issued a press statement in response to Corruption Watch’s exposé of “fronting” in a R30-million tender won by the respected NGO for a job-creation project. The story was broken on 702 Eyewitness News and Daily Maverick by Alex Eliseev. Read the original article here and press statement here. Earlier Read more >

Corruption Watch, TAC take SIU to court over Gauteng health probe info

24 January 2013 Corruption Watch and TAC to take action to uncover information about SIU investigation into Gauteng Health Department Corruption Watch (CW) and the Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) are to go to court to challenge the Special Investigating Unit’s (SIU) refusal to provide access to any information gathered during its investigation into mismanagement and Read more >

Corruption-watching starts as schools go back

As bells ring and classes kick off for the 2013 academic year, Corruption Watch begins its monitoring of schools – a big focus for the organisation this year. Since launching we’ve received more than 60 reports of possible corruption in schools, mostly involving the embezzlement of funds by principals and administrators, corruption in procurement processes Read more >

Corruption Watch in the press

The last seven days have been busy for Corruption Watch, with the mid-week release of Transparency International’s annual Corruption Perceptions Index on the one hand, and a campaign by the organisation ahead of International Anti-Corruption Day on 9 December 2012. Local media made a lot of noise about the index – understandably so – as Read more >

Nxesi dodges questions on Nkandla upgrade

  On 30 September, City Press reported that the Department of Public Works had approved a budget in March in 2011, to revamp President Zuma’s private residence in Nkandla, in KwaZulu-Natal. Proposed renovations include building helipads, sports fields, underground bunkers and fencing the entire complex. The article caused a huge public outcry, to which Nxesi Read more >

Spotlight on Corruption Watch reporting trends

Corruption Watch (CW) has been invited to make a presentation at the Institute for Security Studies’ international conference on crime and criminal justice this afternoon – we’d thought we’d share with you the nuts and bolts of what’ll be discussed: A total of 945 reports of corruption have been lodged with the organisation between 1 Read more >

Corruption in driving schools: take a stand

Mummy Mangoale approached Boiteko Driving Institute in Pretoria in August 2011, asking about the cost of driving lessons. She met Calvin Theledi, who told her that it would cost her R4 500 to get a Code 8 driving licence. Eager to get started with her lessons, Mangoale arranged to pay the fee in two separate instalments Read more >