Corruption in driving schools: take a stand

Mummy Mangoale approached Boiteko Driving Institute in Pretoria in August 2011, asking about the cost of driving lessons. She met Calvin Theledi, who told her that it would cost her R4 500 to get a Code 8 driving licence. Eager to get started with her lessons, Mangoale arranged to pay the fee in two separate instalments Read more >

Metro cops corruption shocker

By Anna Cox, first published in The Star   It’s official – corruption is rampant and widespread among Joburg Metro Police Department officers, with over 50 percent having asked for bribes and one in four motorists being targeted. And until senior management, City of Joburg officials and politicians acknowledge the extent of the corruption, there Read more >

We want answers on R203m Nkandla revamp

Corruption Watch has written a letter to Public Works Minister Thulas Nxesi asking for clarity on his comments regarding the planned R203-million upgrade to President Jacob Zuma’s Nkandla homestead in KwaZulu-Natal. This follows media reports that Nxesi defended the department’s multimillion-rand revamp plans by saying they were in line with the Ministerial Handbook and formed Read more >

Corruption Watch and Wits talk ‘no more tjo-tjo’

By Zaheer Cassim Wits law students and Corruption Watch teamed up yesterday to talk about bribery on the roads as part of the organisation’s ongoing No more tjo-tjo campaign. The event, hosted by the university, saw about 50 members of the Students for Law and Social Justice (SLSJ) group addressing Joburg Metro Police Department (JMPD) Read more >

Thousands of reports logged since launch

  As Corruption Watch heads into the final few months of the year, we thought we’d share with you some insights and information to give you a better idea of how we work and what reporting trends were picking up. The organisation functions by encouraging the public to report experiences of corruption directly through an Read more >

Corruption Watch gets results

By Lorraine Louw Three days after launch, on 29 January, an anonymous whistleblower from the North West Education Department sent a tip off, rife with allegations of corruption and nepotism. Corruption Watch followed up the story and sent the information to The Sowetan newspaper, which also investigated. Read the article here. We can now report Read more >

Teaming with YFM to get SA youth switched on

Corruption Watch has teamed up with the YFM morning Flava team every Friday at 8:30 to reach out to South Africa’s youngsters and get them involved in the fight against corruption. Central to this “No more tjo-tjo” feature will be urging young listeners to reject bribery in all forms and encouraging them to sign Corruption Read more >

Join us, businesses are urged

Corruption Watch director David Lewis has called on business owners to encourage their employees and customers to become active participants in the battle against corruption. Speaking at the White Collar Crime and Corruption Seminar held at Melrose Estate on 4 September, Lewis urged businesses to sign the organisation’s anti-corruption pledge, stressing that because business was Read more >

Metro cops on the spot again

Every day, street traders in Johannesburg are expected to pay bribes to the police: if they don’t pay up, their stock is confiscated and they are ticketed. After they pay the fines, the hawkers find that not all of their stock is returned; most of it is still missing. Last week, on Behind the Headlines Read more >