Fishrot whistle-blower did it despite the risks

In 2014 the stench of corruption began to rise from the operations of Icelandic fishing company Samherji in Namibia, and its former MD Jóhannes Stefánsson noticed. Two years later, he left his job to expose an extensive cash-for-quota scandal through a trove of 30 000 documents and e-mail correspondence handed over to WikiLeaks, who made Read more >

Whistleblowers are the heart of Corruption Watch’s fight

By Melusi NcalaFirst published on News24 Corruption is my beat. I say this reservedly for my role and duty, though seemingly small, is a huge responsibility to me. Why? I am part of a country that is still grappling with vast inequality and indigence. But South Africans are people who live in hope and that, Read more >

CW report shows whistle-blower increase during Covid-19

The 2020 edition of Corruption Watch’s Analysis of Corruption Trends (ACT) report, released today, demonstrates growing concerns about corruption levels in South Africa. The report also illustrates that the will of the public to expose the corrupt and seek consequences remains strong even during the pandemic. Almost 2 000 people took the step of blowing Read more >

Reflecting on the bravery of whistle-blowers

By Thato Mahlangu Justice for some whistle-blowers seems like an unlikely dream. As we marked World Whistle-blower Day on 23 June 2020, one of our own is in pain in a hospital, in the Eastern Cape, after suffering years of abuse at the hands of police while fighting for genuine concerns which have been raised Read more >

Vulnerable voices silenced by mining companies

By Thato Mahlangu Mining-affected communities are among the most vulnerable in our country. As part of its work in the mining sector, Corruption Watch (CW) recently visited three affected communities in Newcastle, KwaZulu-Natal. Our visits highlighted the particular vulnerabilities these people live with daily. The CW team, with Mining Affected Communities United in Action, held Read more >

CW responds to Eskom’s whistle-blowing statement

On 19 March 2020, the Eskom board issued a media statement titled Eskom board statement on allegations against the COO, citing the Eskom employee who raised the allegations and has submitted an affidavit to the Zondo commission of inquiry into state capture. The entire Eskom board statement is attached at the end of this document.    From Corruption Watch’s (CW) analysis of the information at Read more >

Are our whistle-blowers adequately protected?

Part one of our mini-series on South African laws that protect whistle-blowers focused mainly on the Protected Disclosures Act (PDA) – our main piece of legislation – and the key ways that it differs from international best practice. In part two we examine how the actual procedures for making a disclosure measure up. Once the Read more >

SA’s whistle-blower protection – how robust is it?

Whistle-blower – A person who exposes any kind of information or activity that is deemed illegal, unethical, or not correct within an organisation that is either private or public Wim Vandekerckhove, Whistleblowing and Organizational Social Responsibility : A Global Assessment. Whistle-blowers are the lifeblood of Corruption Watch. Our work is driven by the reports we receive Read more >

Whistle-blower protection a focus of IACD

There is a new anti-corruption task team (ACTT) in town, it means business and South Africans just have to keep watching this space. Delegates at the official international anti-corruption day event, held to mark the worldwide initiative and hosted by the government in Tshwane on Monday, 10 December, were told of a newly rejuvenated ACTT Read more >