SA must protect its whistle-blowers – or lose the fight against corruption

Source: Tech Financials South Africa will not win the war against corruption if it does not actively and adequately protect whistle-blowers, the Desmond & Leah Tutu Legacy Foundation said on 10 November 2021. “Corruption has become embedded in South African society and it robs the country of the ability to provide its citizens with employment, services and social support by damaging Read more >

Take our whistle-blower perceptions survey

Corruption Watch is a non-profit organisation launched in 2012. We rely on the public to report incidents of corruption to us and we use this information to fight corruption in South Africa and hold our leaders accountable. Over the last nine years, we have received over 30 000 whistle-blower complaints. In order to improve our Read more >

Fishrot whistle-blower determined to see case through to the end

By Sonja SmithFirst published on The Namibian Icelandic whistle-blower Jóhannes Stefánsson says both Namibian and Icelandic Fishrot accused are trying to jeopardise and delay the fishing rights bribery scheme cases by lying to the court. Stefánsson, the former director of operations in Namibia for Icelandic fishing company Samherji, told this to The Namibian this week. This was Read more >

Whistle-blowers – the brave watchdogs of corruption

Until South Africa learns to appreciate and applaud its whistle-blowers – those who take their courage into their hands and expose dubious deeds – the fight against corruption will not gain full momentum. Whistle-blowers provide an invaluable service to their communities and compatriots, by helping to uncover widespread or large-scale wrongdoing that affects other people. Read more >

CW annual report: average 11 whistle-blower reports a day in 2020

The Corruption Watch (CW) 2020 annual report, titled From Crisis to Action, reflects the extent to which all organisations and individuals in South Africa witnessed and experienced the massive impact of the global coronavirus pandemic.  During this period the public was increasingly outraged by the rampant corruption that emerged in relation to procurement and distribution Read more >

Thinking of blowing the whistle? Read this first

By Kwazi Dlamini British philosopher John Stuart Mill once said, “Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing.” In South Africa in the recent past, corruption and dishonest individuals have thrived under the unobservant eye of their peers, while those who are watchful of Read more >

How the Fishrot scandal robbed Namibia of millions

Image: WikiLeaks In part one of our Fishrot Files mini-series we read about the experiences of whistle-blower Jóhannes Stefánsson, the former MD of the Namibian branch of Icelandic fishing company Samherji. After Stefánsson’s 2016 departure from the company, he handed over a cache of 30 000 revealing documents to Al Jazeera and WikiLeaks. The latter Read more >