Zondo Commission resumes on 12 November

The Zondo Commission into allegations of state capture resumes on Monday, 12 November, after a break of about a month. Corruption Watch has attended all the hearings and has compiled a page of updates which contains details of the testimony of all the witnesses who appeared during the first seven weeks, as well as relevant Read more >

Namibia removed from list of tax havens

Original source: Reuters European Union (EU) finance ministers removed Namibia from the bloc’s blacklist of tax havens on Tuesday after it committed itself to changing its tax rules and practices, the EU said. The Economic and Financial Affairs Council established the list in December 2017, with the overall goal of improving tax good governance globally Read more >

CW named finalist in Google Impact Challenge

Corruption Watch is delighted to be one of the 12 finalists in the Google Impact Challenge 2018. Our project is aimed at improving transparency in the policing sector, via an online interactive website called Bua Mzansi – Know Your Police Station. In this phase of the challenge, we have the opportunity to double our funding Read more >

Private health market poorly run and monopolised

In May 2014 we reported on the start of the Competition Commission’s market inquiry into private healthcare. The healthcare market inquiry (HMI) was set up to probe the general state of competition in this sector to determine what can be done to make accessible, affordable, high quality and advanced private healthcare more widely available in Read more >

NPA pair finally suspended as president acts

Senior National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) advocates Nomgcobo Jiba and Lawrence Mrwebi have been suspended, and President Cyril Ramaphosa will set up an inquiry into their fitness to hold office, according to a statement released on Thursday by the Presidency. Jiba is a national deputy director of public prosecutions, and Mrwebi is a special director of Read more >

The Copenhagen Declaration for peace, security, development

The 18th International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC) came to a close on 24 October, with another declaration issued. The delegates agreed that there is a vital role for citizens to play in the fight against corruption, as they can help to stop the chain of corruption by refusing to take part in it. Activists, whistle-blowers and Read more >

Mid-term budget policy speech: full text

Read the full text of finance minister Tito Mboweni’s maiden mid-term budget speech below, or download it as well as the budget policy statement: 2018 MEDIUM TERM BUDGET POLICY STATEMENT The economy at a crossroads Madam Speaker President of the Republic Deputy President Cabinet Colleagues and Deputy Ministers Deputy Speaker Governor of the South African Read more >

Panel swings into action in search for new NDPP

The advisory panel appointed by President Cyril Ramaphosa to identify and conduct interviews with suitable candidates for the position of the head of the National Prosecuting Authority, convened for the first time on Monday, 22 October 2018. The aim of the meeting, according to a statement issued yesterday, was to confirm the mandate of the Read more >

2018 Anti-Corruption Award recipients announced

Update, 23 October 2018: Transparency International announced yesterday evening that there are two winners of this year’s Anti-Corruption Award. They are Ana Garrido Ramos and Daphne Caruana Galizia, who receives the award posthumously. Galizia’s son Paul Caruana Galizia tweeted: “‏On the same day that @MaltaGov says in parliament that it refuses to mark the first anniversary Read more >