Municipalities avoid explaining irregular procurement

In part two of our local municipality mini-series, we describe investigations relating to some municipalities which were reported to us for irregular procurement processes. Part one dealt with the 2019 Government Performance Index, released recently by Good Governance Africa. Corruption Watch gets most of its reports from people wanting to expose corruption in provincial government Read more >

Local municipalities in the spotlight

“The performance of local municipalities in South Africa is the indicator of the country’s heartbeat. Local municipalities are the closest institution to citizens; they reflect in great measure levels of citizen engagement – as recipients but also as contributors. In addition, local government shows, like no other indicator, the health of public institutions at the Read more >

Corruption tears apart the fabric of ordinary lives

By Kavisha Pillay and Deborah Mutemwa-TumboFirst published on Daily Maverick We live in a society where corruption has become a culture, a normalised act, a sickness of our being. Presidents, politicians, businessmen, false prophets and the like have tried to rope our nation into a state of submission, one that will tolerate the decay of Read more >

Mokgoro: Jiba, Mrwebi not fit for NPA

By Barry BatemanFirst published on EWN UPDATE: President Cyril Ramaphosa fired Nomgcobo Jiba and Lawrence Mrwebi on 26 April 2019. His decision will be sent to Parliament within a fortnight, and that body will determine if the two should be reinstated or not. Retired Constitutional Court Justice Yvonne Mokgoro has dealt what is certainly the final Read more >

No more ignoring the AG’s recommendations

By Christine Botha: acting director, Centre for Constitutional RightsFirst published on the Centre for Constitutional Rights website For at least the last five years, the Auditor-General (AG), a Chapter 9 institution constitutionally-mandated to audit the financial statements of all national and provincial departments, municipalities and state-owned enterprises (SOEs), has emphasised the alarming regression in clean Read more >

Global healthcare systems are in need of healing

Since 2012, Corruption Watch has received over 500 reports detailing some of the hardships people endure when they visit government health facilities throughout South Africa. Corruption plays a big role in the deterioration of the country’s health system, which is now as sick as those whom it is supposed to treat and heal. The accused Read more >

Applications for special votes now open

The Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) has opened its two-week window for applications for special votes in the 2019 national and provincial elections. This only applies to votes cast in South Africa, as the closing date for overseas special vote applications was 13 March. The window period for applications closes at midnight on 18 April 2019. Read more >

Integrity commission to scrutinise ANC lists

By Lizeka Tandwa First published on News24 Senior leaders within the ANC are placing their trust on the might of the party’s integrity commission to remove delinquent candidates from its national and provincial lists.  The integrity commission, which investigates those who bring the party into disrepute, has, however, been viewed as being powerless in the Read more >

All correspondence in our Eskom delinquency application

In early February Corruption Watch launched an application in the High Court in Pretoria, to have former Eskom board members declared delinquent. Our application, which is brought in the public interest in terms of section 157(1)(c) of the Companies Act 71 of 2008, focuses on the violation of fiduciary duties and gross negligence on the Read more >