Mvula Trust scandal: Minister Baloyi changes tack

First there was silence, then denial… Finally, Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Richard Baloyi has taken ownership of the Mvula Trust scandal and what it says about government’s multi-billion rand Community Work Programme (CWP). There’s now a full-scale investigation, big promises and, for good measure, a bit of Shakespeare. It took almost two Read more >

The Arms Procurement Commission so far

In this article Kameel Premhid, Helen Suzman Foundation intern, examines the major issues affecting the Arms Procurement Commission (APC) since its inception. The APC is the first time that the South African government has indicated that there was potential wrongdoing with the infamous Arms Deal. This is the first time that there exists a possibility Read more >

These are your stories!

Here’s a snapshot of some of the corruption reports* we’ve received from the public recently, so you can get a feel for the kind of trends we're picking up: School funds go missing “The teachers at a school in Soweto request for your immediate intervention. For a long time now we have been seeking for Read more >

Youngsters face grim fate over abusive principal

Our zero this week is the principal of Mmutle Combined School in Mpumalanga Charles Modjadji who reportedly masterminded a burglary at his school and got two learners to take the rap. Following our own investigation into the matter after we were tipped off by a concerned member of the community, we discovered the two youngsters Read more >

Youngsters face grim fate over abusive principal

Two youngsters from neighbouring schools in Seabe village near Hamaanskraal are facing criminal charges for theft following a burglary, reportedly masterminded by the principal of Mmutle Combined School. The two cousins, Jason and Calvin Chaane, appeared in the Marapyane Magistrates Court on 29 May 2013 for charges of burglary and theft, but did not have Read more >

Public servants: know the code!

As Public Service and Administration minister Lindiwe Sisulu prepares to crack the whip on corrupt public servants, officials responsible for reporting graft and financial misconduct will have to get their act together to avoid trouble. This includes brushing up on the Public Service Code of Conduct and be certain of what exactly constitutes financial misconduct Read more >

Mvula Trust, the minister and the question of trust

Five weeks ago, Alex Eliseev of Daily Maverick and Eyewitness News asked why government was silent on the scandal involving the Mvula Trust and its R30-million tender, exposed by Corruption Watch. This is his latest report on the saga, following a  frustrating interview with Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Richard Baloyi: By door-stopping Read more >

Tough-talking Sisulu shows political will

Tough talking Public Service Minister Lindiwe Sisulu’s announced plans this week for government’s re-energised anti-corruption drive, which promises to have more muscle and clout than previous interventions. These plans include naming and shaming public servants found guilty of misconduct, adding their names to a central database to effectively blacklist them from future jobs in government, Read more >

Thuli Madonsela: SA’s iron lady

She speaks in whispering tones and is always immaculately dressed. When she walks into a room and begins speaking, people sit up and listen. Fearless and resolute, this is the woman who has taken on some of South Africa’s most powerful politicians – and won. This woman is Advocate Thuli Madonsela, the country’s Public Protector. Read more >