The state of South Africa’s municipalities revealed in 2024 GPI

Image: Flickr/South African Tourism Good Governance Africa’s (GGA) latest annual Government Performance Index (GPI) was released in March 2024, some three years after the previous edition, and after a lengthy review process. The survey tracks and analyses the state of local governance within local, district, and metropolitan (metro) municipalities across the country, providing “a holistic Read more >

SA’s public service is dysfunctional – the 5 main reasons why

Image: EFE-EPA/Nic Bothma By Marcel NagarFirst published on The Conversation: Africa A public policy works well if it’s a good policy and if it’s carried out well. Politicians make policy and specialist bureaucrats in the public service carry it out. These appointed officials are supposed to follow a strict professional and ethical code of conduct. Read more >

Growing WC extortion economy threatens the whole country

In November 2023 we reported on a new project by the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime (GI-TOC), which would monitor crime activity in the Western Cape (WC) province, which struggles with crime like many other areas in the country. The first issue of the Western Cape Gang Monitor, released in October, was based on Read more >