Social grant beneficiaries get another champion

By Valencia Talane A countrywide campaign focused on stopping illegal debt deductions from social grant beneficiaries’ accounts is underway. Human rights NGO Black Sash is driving the Hands off the Social Grants campaign, which was prompted by a growing number of grant recipients lodging complaints with the South African Social Services Agency (Sassa) because money Read more >

Netcare v KPMG: summary of day three

Source: SECTION27 This is a summary of the third day of the Netcare v KPMG case. Today’s proceedings, as the last day of the hearing and the only day upon which all three parties made submissions, were the most detailed. What follows is therefore a condensed, integrated summary of the submissions from all three parties, Read more >

Guidelines and statement of issues for the private healthcare inquiry

Source: Competition Commission On 16 April the Competition Commission addressed stakeholders on the administrative guidelines, administrative timetable, and statement of issues for the health market inquiry. The Competition Act of 1998 defines a market inquiry as “a formal inquiry in respect of the general state of competition in a market for particular goods or services, Read more >

Summary of day two of Netcare V KPMG – 21 May 2014

Source: SECTION27 The case between Netcare and KPMG and the Competition Commission is being held in the High Court between 20 and 22 May. Netcare has approached the High Court in order to protect its confidential information from being disclosed by KPMG to the Competition Commission. The commission has launched a market inquiry into the Read more >

Market inquiry into private healthcare: important dates

Important dates to remember during the market inquiry into private healthcare: 20 May – 22 May: High Court hearing of the case between Netcare and KPMG and the Competition Commission, in the South Gauteng High Court in Johannesburg. 31 May: Competition Commission panel to release a draft statement of issues and administrative guidelines for comment. Read more >

Summary of day one of Netcare V KPMG – 20 May 2014

Source: SECTION27 The case between Netcare and KPMG and the Competition Commission is being held in the High Court between 20 and 22 May. Netcare has approached the High Court in order to protect its confidential information from being disclosed by KPMG to the Competition Commission. The commission has launched a market inquiry into the Read more >

Panel for the healthcare market inquiry

Source: Health Market Inquiry The Competition Commission has appointed retired Chief Justice Sandile Ngcobo; Professor Sharon Fonn; Dr Ntuthuko Bhengu; Dr Lungiswa Nkonki and Cornelis (Cees) van Gent as chairman and panellists respectively, to lead the market inquiry into the private healthcare sector in South Africa. The five-member panel will preside over the market inquiry, Read more >

Market inquiry into the private healthcare sector

On 6 January 2014, the Competition Commission began a market inquiry – an investigation – into South Africa’s private health sector. According to Section 27 of South Africa’s Constitution, everyone has the right to have access to healthcare services. Concerned about the ongoing high prices in private healthcare, the commission will investigate the general state Read more >