DBE on cheaters’ case

Some of the matric candidates implicated in the 2014 National Senior Certificate exams cheating scandal have claimed that teachers helped them to cheat their way to better results. This is according to the national Department of Basic Education, which released a statement on 18 June on the progress of investigations into group cheating in KwaZulu-Natal Read more >

Sub-Saharan Africa is greatest business corruption risk

The 2015 Corruption Risk Index (CRI), a survey conducted by global risk analysis and management company Verisk Maplecroft, is out – and the news is not good for sub-Saharan Africa. The index ranked 198 countries on their prevalence of bribery and corruption, and the effectiveness of official efforts to fight the problem. It found that sub-Saharan Africa Read more >

Global corruption snapshots: 18 June 2015

Blatter, Valcke hire top US lawyers for corruption probe Fifa president Sepp Blatter and its secretary general Jerome Valcke have both hired high-powered US lawyers to represent them as a corruption probe roils soccer’s global governing body. – EWN Blazer’s plea deal over Fifa corruption revealed US prosecutors have made public their 2013 plea agreement Read more >

Meet the winners of My Corruption-Free Africa!

The judges have convened, the votes are in, and the winners have been chosen. Our inaugural My Corruption-Free Africa blogging and photographic competition drew over 100 entrants from Kenya and Cameroon to South Africa, Zimbabwe and Nigeria. The competition was open to youth across Africa, and the winners, chosen entirely on merit, are two young Read more >

TI hosts defence anti-corruption workshop in SA

By Guy Martin First published on DefenceWeb Transparency International has hosted an anti-corruption workshop with civil society leaders in Johannesburg, after providing anti-corruption training and guidance to the South African military. Leah Wawro, the project lead for civil society at Transparency International (TI) UK’s Defence and Security Programme, said that thanks to the arms deal, Read more >

Join us at the VIP Youth Festival!

Corruption Watch is out and about next week – we’re joining forces with dynamic youth content agency, Livity Africa, for its #VIPYouthFest in Braamfontein, Johannesburg, from 16 – 18 June. It’s all happening at 73 Juta Street. The three day event, held under the theme: The State of SA Youth Today, will feature live debates, Read more >

Global corruption snapshots: 11 June 2015

UNODC assists Senegal in its fight against money-laundering An intensive training on financial investigation delivered to Senegalese authorities ended on 22 May. Organized by UNODC, through its Global Programme against Money-Laundering (GPML), the training sessions on investigative means to fight money-laundering took place in schools and training centres of Dakar, between April and May 2015. Read more >

Civil society unhappy with govt’s xenophobia efforts

In April Corruption Watch was one of many organisations which signed its name to an open letter to the AU, protesting the manner in which the South African government addressed the recent outbreak of xenophobic attacks in the country. The 25th AU summit is taking place in South Africa from 7 to 15 June, and Read more >

The rationale for fighting corruption

The cost of corruption is much higher than would seem at first glance. If you want to understand why Corruption Watch, Transparency International, and all the other organisations fighting corruption do what they do, read this brief prepared by the OECD’s CleanGovBiz initiative. The costs of corruption for economic, political and social development are becoming Read more >