Global corruption snapshots: 09 Apr 2015

‘The day I stood up alone’ Photographer Boniface Mwangi wanted to protest against corruption in his home country of Kenya. So he made a plan: He and some friends would stand up and heckle during a public mass meeting. But when the moment came … he stood alone. – Arvind Kejriwal revives anti-corruption helpline Read more >

Net1 Responds to CW’s Notice of Motion

Last week we reported that Corruption Watch has approached the High Court for an order to set aside a R317-million payment by the South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) to Cash Paymaster Services (CPS), the company administering the payment of social grants. Now Net1, CPS's parent company, has responded. Read Net1's statement below:    Net Read more >

Can we blame you now, President Zuma?

By Gareth Newham, division head for governance, crime and justice, ISS Pretoria First published in the Sowetan While speaking to local government officials recently, South African President Jacob Zuma jokingly said: "Anything that goes wrong in the country it’s 'that Zuma'. I’m sure even if a person falls from a chair, [they’d say] 'this bloody Zuma Read more >

Over R3-million for sitting at home

Advocate Nkahloleng Phasha, chief director of legal services in the national Department of Labour, was suspended in October 2011, for reasons not publicly known. He returned to work in March 2015. In the 40 months in between, Phasha earned his full monthly salary of around R82 000, while sitting at home – a cost of over Read more >

Corruption suspect still has access to school funds

By Kavisha Pillay First published in The Star Sluggish processes and negligence by the Gauteng Department of Education (GDE) have allowed a school principal to have access to school finances even though he is under investigation for corruption at two Soweto schools. In March last year, The Star reported that Lebo Mashuga, the principal of Read more >

Open doors for Cedar Road tender adjudication

On 1 April in Ekurhuleni, the Gauteng provincial government held a bid adjudication session that was open to everyone – marking the first time that the adjudication of a tender was conducted in public in Gauteng. The tender is for the upgrade of a portion of the busy Cedar Road. The provincial finance department is Read more >

Corruption Watch wants bid payment to CPS set aside

First published in Business Day Lobby group Corruption Watch is seeking a court order to set aside a R317-million payment by the South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) to Cash Paymaster Services (CPS), the company administering the payment of social grants. Following previous court action, the Net1 subsidiary is already having to rebid for one Read more >

EE acts against poor school support from government

EE DEMANDS MINISTER MOTSHEKGA RELEASE PROVINCIAL IMPLEMENTATION PLANS FOR NORMS AND STANDARDS FOR SCHOOL INFRASTRUCTURE! Yesterday and today (1 and 2 April), more than 600 Equal Education (EE) student members – equalisers – have been holding sleep-in protests outside the Department of Basic Education (DBE)in Pretoria, Parliament in Cape Town, and the Eastern Cape Department Read more >

Gauteng transport cleans up

The Gauteng Transport Department’s anti-fraud and corruption campaign was launched on Wednesday 25 March. Just two days later, a pair of officials working at the Maponya mall license testing centre were arrested on corruption charges. If the initiative keeps going at this momentum and crooked officials are brought to book, the licensing landscape in the Read more >