Parliament grills Sassa for answers

The executive leadership of the South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) endured the hot seat in Parliament recently to answer questions on the financial health of the agency and its spending history in the 2015/16 financial year. The agency logged a total of R1.1-billion in irregular expenditure, Parliament’s standing committee on public accounts (Scopa) was Read more >

Setting the record straight on Lokisa launch

Yesterday we released our report on corruption in the Home Affairs immigration system. Titled Project Lokisa: Asylum at a Price, the report was launched on a piece of land over the road from the Marabastad refugee reception office in Pretoria. The launch was notable for the absence of the key actor in the story – Read more >

CW exposes widespread corruption at Home Affairs

For the past two years Corruption Watch, with a number of partners, has been investigating corruption in the immigration section of the Home Affairs department. Today we released our report, titled Project Lokisa: Asylum at a Price, at a gathering outside the Marabastad refugee reception office, and the picture it paints is disturbing.     We Read more >

EC slowly advances towards cleaner governance

Departments and state owned entities seldom embrace the recommendations put forward every year by Auditor-General Kimi Makwetu. When they are, though, and a culture of consistency and improvement is adopted, it is reflected best in the decent audits they receive. Makwethu released his annual national and provincial audit outcomes yesterday. Of all the provinces audited, Read more >

Track your municipality’s financial performance

An informed citizenry is an empowered citizenry. Whether you’re someone who wants to exercise your civic responsibilities and get involved in how your municipality is run, or whether you just wish you could understand the complexities of the system a little better, we have put together a list of useful tools that will help you. Read more >

Government – for the few, by the few

A new nine-country survey by the Pew Research Center (PRC), a US non-profit organisation, has found a common perception that government is run for the benefit of the few rather than the many‚ both in emerging democracies and more mature democracies that have faced economic challenges. The survey probes the strengths and limitations of civic Read more >

CW now a full chapter of Transparency International

Corruption Watch has become a fully-fledged chapter of Transparency International (TI), the global movement against corruption. The news concludes a four-year accreditation process and means we are now TI’s official representative in South Africa. Established in 1993, TI is an NGO with more than 100 national chapters – for the most part locally established, independent Read more >

State capture report calls for commission of inquiry

The long-awaited state capture report was released yesterday, and one of the outcomes was the instruction by former Public Protector Thuli Madonsela that President Jacob Zuma must appoint a judicial commission of inquiry into state capture. However, Zuma is not to choose the commissioner – that task falls to South Africa’s chief justice. State of Read more >

State capture report: PP must publish today

The second day of the state capture report hearings in the North Gauteng High Court brought more interesting developments. President Jacob Zuma withdrew his application to interdict the report, and the court ordered the Public Protector, whose report it is, to publish the document immediately. The hearings are focusing on various applications to interdict the Read more >