Cabinet reshuffle: CW issues strong call for action

Following last night’s cabinet reshuffle, the centre of political gravity and the last hope for the South African democracy rests with the people of South Africa and their parliamentary representatives. The events have clearly established that renewal will not come from within the ranks of the ruling party which has clearly been captured by a Read more >

Why people commit white collar crimes (and how to stop them)

By Alice BrightSky First published on the FCPA blog We’ve all heard of them — the Bernie Madoffs and Michael Milkens whose cinematic crimes have painted our perception of white-collar criminality. However, while wrongdoers such as Madoff and Milken are rightly villainised for their misdeeds, their dramatic schemes tend to occlude the far more common Read more >

Ahmed Kathrada: a man of principle

We at Corruption Watch are deeply saddened by the passing of liberation stalwart Ahmed Mohamed Kathrada, who died in the early hours of Tuesday morning after complications following surgery earlier in March to relieve blood clotting on the brain. As an author, a scholar, a Rivonia trialist and struggle veteran, Kathrada was a voice of Read more >

SA lags in using open data for anti-corruption

Transparency International (TI) recently launched its G20 Anti-Corruption Open Data Studies, which assesses how countries in that group are implementing the G20 anti-corruption open data principles. The main objectives of the study were to establish how much progress G20 governments have made in implementing open data as part of an anti-corruption regime; what are the Read more >

Sassa-gate: profit over service

It’s been called “Sassa-gate” for all the right reasons: a government crisis characterised by several weeks of blame games; political backbiting; forensic investigations revealing unlawful information peddling; and even lawsuit threats. It is a situation that many South Africans would hate to see repeated in the future. After weeks of tension and anxiety, relief came Read more >

Information Regulator gets off the ground

In November last year we reported on the establishment of the Office of the Information Regulator. This body falls under the Protection of Personal Information (Popi) Act, which serves as South Africa’s data protection act. Popi itself is not yet in force, but sections pertaining to the Regulator were put into effect through a presidential Read more >

Court to supervise Sassa grants payments

The Constitutional Court today handed down a unanimous, blistering judgment in the South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) matter. Judge Johan Froneman ruled that the court will take over supervision of the implementation of the current and future grants process, indicating that the bench had no trust in social development minister Bathabile Dlamini. “This judgment Read more >

CW makes submissions in ConCourt in Sassa case

Corruption Watch yesterday appeared in the Constitutional Court as amicus curiae in the matter of the Black Sash vs the minister of social development et al, with Freedom Under Law and the South African Post Office also making submissions. Our submissions focused on the apparently pending interim agreement between Sassa and Cash Paymaster Services (CPS), Read more >

CPS asks us to retract statements

Corruption Watch has been following, and participating in, the developments around the South African Social Security Services and Cash Paymaster Services (CPS) since 2013. Cash Paymaster Services has written to us through their attorneys, in a letter dated 10 March 2017. They take exception at certain recent statements our executive director David Lewis has made Read more >