CW encourages parents to play role in school governance

Corruption Watch today launched a campaign focusing on the upcoming school governing body (SGB) elections, which take place from 1 – 31 March 2018. The objective of the campaign is to rally parents, teachers, principals and learners to exercise their votes to elect people of integrity so that our schools are well managed and resourced. Read more >

The real police numbers behind SA’s high crime rate

As the South African Police Service (SAPS) prepares to release South Africa’s annual crime statistics, Corruption Watch and the Institute for Security Studies (ISS) have released numbers that highlight the challenges of police leadership in a country with endemic crime and violence. This is part of a campaign to change the way South Africa’s top Read more >

Download and share our new brochures

Download and share our new public education brochures. Here you’ll find information about corruption in housing, schools, health and traffic, as well as a general brochure, in several different languages. If a housing official says to you, “I will put your name on the top of the list but you will have to pay a Read more >

CW, ISS motivate for public say in top cops’ appointments

Corruption Watch and the Institute for Security Studies (ISS) have established a joint public awareness campaign that focuses on the process resulting in the upcoming appointments of the South African Police Service (SAPS) national commissioner and the head of the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigations (the Hawks). We believe that both critical appointments require a Read more >

CW raises awareness of corruption in Limpopo

Corruption Watch will be amplifying its anti-corruption message in Limpopo and expanding its footprint to communities where its presence has previously been limited. The impact of corruption is most keenly felt by those who rely on government services and resources for their basic needs. By taking the message directly to communities, Corruption Watch aims to Read more >

Make your voice heard by taking our TopCops survey

Take our police survey. Corruption Watch and the Institute for Security Studies (ISS) have established a joint public awareness campaign that focuses on the process resulting in the critical appointments of the South African Police Service (SAPS) national commissioner and the head of the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigations (the Hawks). We believe that both Read more >

CW, ISS campaign for accountable and honest police leaders

In July 2017, Corruption Watch and the Institute for Security Studies launched a joint public awareness campaign that focuses on the appointments of the SAPS national commissioner and the head of the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigations (the Hawks). The organisations believe that both appointments require a transparent selection process against clear merit-based criteria as Read more >

I am not the only one: CW awareness and fundraising

Today Corruption Watch launched its new campaign titled I am not the only one, with the aim of raising awareness about corruption in South Africa and motivating supporters to help fund our anti-corruption activities. Corruption is not just the government official and the businessman fixing a tender, or the licensing official who allows an unqualified Read more >

Bua Mzansi: The importance of the Public Protector

Described by our Supreme Court of Appeal as a “watchdog”, the Public Protector is also often compared to an ombudsman, which is an institution that originated in Sweden, created to ensure that public officials acted in terms of the law and discharged their duties properly. There are now a large number of such institutions around Read more >