GGA gives GNU some recommendations to chew on

The Government of National Unity (GNU) caused both hope and scepticism when it was set up, because of the ANC, the governing party for 30 years in democratic South Africa, losing its grip on an absolute majority and having to reach out to other parties with whom to jointly run the country. This outcome was Read more >

First country ratifies the Asset Declaration Treaty

Image: Wikimedia Commons By Tilman HoppeFirst published on the Global Anticorruption Blog Requiring public official to disclose their assets, income, and other information about their personal finances can be an important tool for curbing corruption. The effectiveness of such a program depends crucially on the ability to verify the disclosures’ accuracy and in particular the Read more >

Addressing judicial corruption in South Africa

“The judiciary is the temple of justice, and in most cases, it is the last hope of the common man.” Prof John-Mark Iyi, director of the African Centre for Transnational Criminal Justice (ACTCJ) at the University of the Western Cape, used these words to introduce a recent webinar discussing the complex task of combating corruption Read more >

State capture update: September’s news and events

The Special Investigating Unit’s (SIU) investigation into Prasa is yielding results, and the organisation recently revealed that it now has information on companies and directors that benefited to the tune of R776-million in total from the controversial R3.5-billion Swifambo contract for the procurement of trains. SIU spokesperson Kaizer Kganyago told the SABC in an interview Read more >

Hlophe not allowed in judges’ interviews, says WC High Court

Image: Polity The parliamentary Judicial Services Commission (JSC) interviews for magistrates and judges, an important annual event in the judiciary’s calendar for the month of October, will take place without impeached judge and MK Party parliamentary leader Dr John Hlophe. This after the Western Cape High Court on Friday granted applicants in the matter calling Read more >