GNU first 100 days: where are we with cabinet performance agreements?

Image: Flickr/GovernmentZA The government of national unity (GNU) is firmly in place, receiving a mixed bag of public reviews as it recently marked its first 100 days. It has been three months since President Cyril Ramaphosa announced that the executive management of government responsibilities would be split among several political parties that signed up to be Read more >

SIU looks to recover R1-billion debt owed to it by state entities

The Special Investigating Unit (SIU) hopes to recover more than R1-billion that other state institutions owe to it, through an initiative called Project Khokela. This project was started during the 2022/23 financial year, and the SIU hopes that speedy recovery of the outstanding funds will help to sustain its medium- to long-term operations and offset Read more >

GGA gives GNU some recommendations to chew on

The Government of National Unity (GNU) caused both hope and scepticism when it was set up, because of the ANC, the governing party for 30 years in democratic South Africa, losing its grip on an absolute majority and having to reach out to other parties with whom to jointly run the country. This outcome was Read more >

First country ratifies the Asset Declaration Treaty

Image: Wikimedia Commons By Tilman HoppeFirst published on the Global Anticorruption Blog Requiring public official to disclose their assets, income, and other information about their personal finances can be an important tool for curbing corruption. The effectiveness of such a program depends crucially on the ability to verify the disclosures’ accuracy and in particular the Read more >

Addressing judicial corruption in South Africa

“The judiciary is the temple of justice, and in most cases, it is the last hope of the common man.” Prof John-Mark Iyi, director of the African Centre for Transnational Criminal Justice (ACTCJ) at the University of the Western Cape, used these words to introduce a recent webinar discussing the complex task of combating corruption Read more >