Delving into the shady world of gold laundering

Our new two-part mini-series digs into a corruption topic not discussed as often as many others, but which is becoming more and more urgent – gold laundering. Part one sets the scene and looks at possible measures to address the growing problem, and part two looks back into South Africa’s gold mining history and the Read more >

ILA white paper on anti-corruption tackles a burning question

Mainstream, community, and social media bombard us every day with news about the ongoing fight against corruption, this heroic activist, and that innovative intervention which will really make a difference this time – but how far have we really come? A new white paper published this month by the French branch of the International Law Read more >

Transparency a crucial element of anti-kleptocracy measures

Image: UNDP As was the case with the preceding events in the International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC) series, the 2022 event, held in Washington DC in early December last year, brought together a diverse group of people from around the world, all with a common interest – to expose and stop corruption. Over 2 000 heads Read more >

The Washington Declaration from the 20th IACC

Image: UNDP The 20th International Anti-Corruption Conference took place from 6-10 December 2022 in Washington DC. After around 90 sessions, hours of deliberations, and much discussion, the participants resolved to unite in solidarity against corruption. This resolve was published on 12 December as the Washington Declaration. Read it below: We, more than 2 000 people Read more >

The year that was – review of Parliament’s 2022

First published on Parliamentary Monitoring Group 2022 was another eventful parliamentary year. With the year done and dusted, we review some of the legislature’s activities and highlights from this period. The year got off to an ominous start with a devastating fire that gutted large parts of the National Assembly. This had a ripple effect Read more >

Opposition parties promise persistent corruption fight in 2023

By Ntombi NkosiFirst published on IOL Opposition parties have vowed to continue to fight corruption to ensure ethical governance in South Africa. The African Transformation Movement (ATM) said it will continue to fight for the goodwill of the people, ensuring that they “leave no stone unturned” in cases of injustice, maladministration and corruption. This is Read more >