Statistics SA: Victims of crime survey, 2011

The Victims of Crime Survey 2011, a countrywide survey by Statistics South Africa, focuses on peoples’ perceptions and experiences of crime and their views regarding the police and justice systems. Residents from 29 754 households were polled between January 2010 and December 2010, with the findings providing insights into national and provincial trends. Among the key Read more >

Post shuffling at NPA, SIU frustrating corruption fight

The National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) has denied that Advocate Glynnis Breytenbach, head of NPA’s Pretoria Commercial Crimes Unit, has been suspended.   The authority said on Friday 17 February 2012 that it was waiting for her response to the charges before deciding how to proceed.   A statement by NPA executive manager of communications Bulelwa Read more >

eThekwini under pressure to release full graft report

Opposition party the Democratic Alliance has given eThekwini’s Mayor James Nxumalo until Friday 17 February to provide it with the full Manase report into fraud, corruption and maladministration in the municipality – or it will apply legally for a copy.   The DA is concerned that the allegedly 700-page report will go the same way Read more >

Report: R2bn ‘irregular expenditure’ by eThekwini

A recently released report has revealed that eThekwini metro municipality, with an annual operating budget of close to R19-billon, has recorded irregular expenditure of R2,188-billion in the past three years. The report, by Manase and Associates, commissioned by the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs, followed the 2009/2010 auditor-general’s report, which revealed widespread Read more >

South Africans make their mark to fight graft

South Africans of all ages and walks of life are committing to a non-corrupt society by signing Corruption Watch’s anti-corruption pledge – a clear indication that “we’ve had enough”, said one contributor from Johannesburg, Andre Botha. Signing the pledge is a way of turning “gatvol” into “let’s fix this”, showing you have taken a stand Read more >

Massive press coverage of Corruption Watch launch

A firm sense of optimism and support dominated media coverage of Corruption Watch’s launch on Thursday 26 January, with newspapers, radio and TV all carrying accounts of the event. News coverage spanned the country and was as prominent in national publications and broadcasts as it was in community newspapers and radio reports, spreading the message Read more >

Over 1 000 Corruption Watch pledges in a day

Big names in South African politics and civil society have thrown their weight behind Corruption Watch, with the number of signatures on the organisation’s anti-graft pledge rising to well over 1 000 in a day. The web-based pledge explains its purpose: “The best way to stop corruption is for all of us to take a stand; Read more >

Government, civil society welcome Corruption Watch launch

The fight against corruption got some heavy artillery today with the launch of Corruption Watch, an independent civil society institute formed to enable South Africans to report and confront corrupt activity in both the public and private sectors.   The launch, held at the Women’s Gaol at Constitution Hill in Johannesburg, was attended by a Read more >

Join us at the VIP Youth Festival!

Corruption Watch is out and about next week – we’re joining forces with dynamic youth content agency, Livity Africa, for its #VIPYouthFest in Braamfontein, Johannesburg, from 16 – 18 June. There are live debates, music performances, poetry readings, comedy sketches, and a photographic exhibition, as well as Corruption Watch’s Bribe Detector test! Deep Link Read more >