Fraud, bribery top anti-corruption hotline list

More cases of fraud and bribery, involving police and government officials, are reported to the National Anti-Corruption Hotline than other corrupt activities. Fraud and bribery have been the most common allegations lodged through the National Anti-Corruption Hotline (NACH) since it was established, according to a Public Service Commission (PSC) document titled “Measuring the effectiveness of Read more >

Majola is off the team

By Zaheer Cassim It’s game over for Gerald Majola. The former cricket boss has used up his final review and the third umpire has ruled that he needs to hit the showers. In March, Majola, at the time the chief executive of Cricket South Africa (CSA), was suspended after he was found guilty of paying Read more >

Spotlight on Corruption Watch reporting trends

Corruption Watch (CW) has been invited to make a presentation at the Institute for Security Studies’ international conference on crime and criminal justice this afternoon – we’d thought we’d share with you the nuts and bolts of what’ll be discussed: A total of 945 reports of corruption have been lodged with the organisation between 1 Read more >

More calls for Manase report release

The Manase report into dodgy dealings by officials and politicians in eThekwini reared its ugly head again this week, threatening to add a few more bumps to President Jacob Zuma’s road to Mangaung. A summarised version of the report was released in February. It found that there had been more than a billion rand in Read more >

Corruption Watch needs you!

The City of Joburg’s anti-corruption plan, tailored according to Corruption Watch’s recommendations and launched today, is a victory for active citizens who spoke out and took a stand with us against bribery and abuse on Joburg’s roads. Firstly, we’d like to congratulate the City for listening and taking action after the April release of our Read more >

Corruption survey results – what you didn’t see

Yesterday the papers and news sites were awash with reports of a new survey which found that most adults living in big cities believe corruption is endemic, but what wasn’t so widely publicised were the other survey findings – like the fact that perceptions of government corruption have improved on the East Rand, Pretoria, Cape Read more >

Public’s traffic-related corruption reports

  CASE 1   I was asked for a bribe because a passenger in my car didn’t have their ID   Location: Berea, Johannesburg   Description:   On Joe Slovo drive, under the bridge next to the tall Vodacom building in Berea/Bertrams there was a police road block. The police officer asked for my driver’s Read more >

Zuma gives updates on SIU probes progress

South Africa’s Special Investigating Unit, one of the bodies that potentially has real teeth to tackle corruption, is making headlines for all the wrong reasons lately: it’s been without a permanent head for the last 10 months amid allegations of bitter infighting and poor performance. We’ll bring you a more detailed account of its ill-health Read more >

Samwu in North West downs tools over corruption

More than 3 000 municipal workers marched against ongoing corruption in the Bojanala Region, Rustenburg, in North West today. News reports just in confirm that 50 people, who infiltrated the mass action, were arrested under the Regulation of Gatherings Act. “They were isolated and arrested when union leaders alerted the police that a group had Read more >