Zuma address: substance lacking

President Jacob Zuma’s 2013 State of the Nation Address, delivered yesterday evening, did not impress much. His message on corruption lacked a critical element of redress – accountability. Zuma did a reasonably good job of hailing the work done by those organs of state tasked with fighting the corruption that has worried many South Africans Read more >

‘Local government the weakest link’

Financial woes plaguing local government create an ideal environment for fraud and corruption to fester, the South African Municipal Workers Union (Samwu) said this week. This was in reaction to Auditor -General Terence Nombembe’s statement that financial controls in government departments are slipping, particularly in municipalities. He was talking at a public sector forum convened Read more >

Nala Municipality promises a turnaround

The troubled Free State municipality of Nala has received a lot of attention since the beginning of 2013, with much of its dirty laundry – including fraud and corruption allegations and poor service delivery reports – being hung out in the last few weeks. Read our original article about this here. In between a visit Read more >

Mvula sacks acting CEO

The board of Mvula Trust has relieved the organisation’s acting CEO of his duties before appointing a permanent replacement, Alex Eliseev reports following Corruption Watch’s exposé on the respected NGO in late January. Read the original article here. The move comes less than two weeks after an investigation which revealed allegations of fronting against the Read more >

Whistleblower gets job back, but crisis rages on

Yesterday Public Protector Thuli Madonsela announced that Justice Department whistleblower "Mrs M" would be reinstated, following an investigation into how “Mrs M” was treated for reporting corrupt colleagues at the department where she worked. The whistleblower worked at a division of the KwaZulu-Natal High Court Master’s office that dealt with children. Madonsela’s report on the Read more >

Arms corruption: SA ‘high risk’

With the first round of Arms Deal Commission hearings just around the corner, the release of Transparency International’s (TI) inaugural government defence-corruption index couldn’t be more topical. According to the results South Africa scores a D+ and is labelled a “high risk” nation in terms of the susceptibility of our government to corruption in the Read more >

The big business of corruption

Corruption seems to have become the norm and if big business can't keep its hands off public funds, can South Africans expect government to do so, asks Nickolaus Bauer in Mail&Guardian. Read the original article here. The alleged fixing of state construction contracts dominated newspaper headlines earlier this week, but soon petered out as allegations Read more >

The week that was for CW

Corruption Watch received extensive media coverage in the last week, ranging from our call to release a report on corruption in the Gauteng health department, to out intervention in the Nkandla saga, to the Mvula Trust R30-million tender exposé, and then our first-year anniversary report launch and press briefing. Below follow links to how these Read more >

Meet the man behind Bra Tjotjo

Mdu Ntuli, the sizzling talent behind the Bra Tjotjo series, chats to Corruption Watch about where he got his inspiration for the project and how his dream to become a top basketball star was crushed because of corrupt dealings by officials in the game. Click on the pic below to watch the clip! You can Read more >