Gaps in appointment process for SAPS commissioner

By Johan Burger It is unclear how long the current national commissioner of the South African Police Service (SAPS), Riah Phiyega, will remain in her position, but she is under immense public pressure to step down as she is about to face a board of inquiry. The final report of the Marikana Commission of Inquiry Read more >

Corruption Watch, Freedom Under Law go to court over Nxasana

JOINT STATEMENT BY CORRUPTION WATCH AND FREEDOM UNDER LAW  Corruption Watch and Freedom Under Law go to court to review Nxasana’s R17-million settlement agreement On 14 May 2015, a settlement agreement was concluded between President Jacob Zuma, the Minister of Justice Michael Masutha and the former National Director of Public Prosecutions (NDPP), Mxolisi Nxasana. Corruption Read more >

New Gauteng provincial banker announced

The Gauteng provincial government (GPG) today announced that First National Bank will be the GPG’s banking supplier for the next five years. The tender for banking services, together with that of the Cedar Road upgrade, comprised the pilot phase of the GPG’s Open Tender project. With the award of the banking tender, the pilot phase Read more >

Anti-corruption march postponed by a month

BROADER MOBILISATION ANNOUNCED, DATE CHANGED TO 23 SEPTEMBER TO ALLOW FULL PREPARATION FOR MASSIVE MARCHES In the six weeks since Unite against Corruption announced the planned marches to the Union Buildings and Parliament, we have been overwhelmed by the public response. A growing number of organisations together with thousands of individuals have endorsed the marches Read more >

Global corruption snapshots: 30 July 2015

Malaysia PM sacks deputy amid corruption scandal Najib Razak announces cabinet reshuffle after his deputy asked him for explanation of alleged fraud at investment fund. – Al Jazeera UK to hold ‘anti-corruption summit’ in 2016 UK prime minister David Cameron will hold an international “anti corruption” summit in London next year as he announced a Read more >

South Africa’s democracy ‘built to last’

The public protector is constitutionally mandated to investigate, report and take – not merely recommend – appropriate remedial action on improper conduct. This was again clarified by incumbent Advocate Thuli Madonsela at the recent State of the Nation business breakfast in Johannesburg. Madonsela and her fellow guest, former opposition politician and ambassador to Argentina Tony Read more >

Learning from the example of past presidents

By Judith February One of the defining moments of Nelson Mandela’s presidency was when he took the stand in the case of the President of the RSA and Others versus South African Rugby Football Union (Sarfu) and Others in 1999. The year before, Mandela appointed a commission to investigate allegations of racism, nepotism and corruption against Sarfu, Read more >

Immigrants’ rights are not negotiable

Home Affairs Minister Malusi Gigaba being sworn into office in May 2014. His department is responsible for the administration of immigrants in the country as well as the protection of their rights. Image source: GCIS   Immigrants in South Africa could be forgiven for thinking that the country might not, after all, be the right Read more >

Global corruption snapshots: 9 July 2015

Image source: Transparency International Thursday, 09/07/2015 – 12:30 Ex-state senator pleads guilty to racketeering in California An ex-California state senator pleaded guilty on Wednesday to a racketeering charge in an organised crime and public corruption case centred in San Francisco’s Chinatown. Leland Yee could face a maximum of 20 years in prison when he is Read more >