The FIC is reaping the rewards of enhanced laws

Is South Africa winning the anti-money laundering war? The Financial Intelligence Centre (FIC) would like us to trust that this is the case. In its latest annual report, released at the end of September, the state-owned body declared that it had recovered more than R5.8-billion in criminal proceeds in the last financial year alone, partly Read more >

More protections for SA whistle-blowers on the way, but will they work?

By Neil Coetzer, Maricia Smith, Bavukile Magagula, and Anthony AndrewsFirst published on Business Day During June 2023 the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development published a discussion document on proposed reforms for the whistle-blower protection regime in South Africa. Taking its cue from the criticism of the Protected Disclosures Act of 2000 by the Zondo Read more >

Godongwana calls for ethical public procurement to be the norm

Finance minister Enoch Godongwana addressed attendees at the National Treasury’s third Public Finance Management Conference which took place on 20 September 2023. The theme was Innovative and Agile Public Service Funding and Delivery during Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous (VUCA) Times. Godongwana had a few profound things to say about public procurement in light of Read more >

Beneficial ownership and climate crimes: A fishy business

By Matti KohonenFirst published on Tax Justice Network In this blog we explore how climate justice and tax justice advocates can unite and demand beneficial ownership transparency for sectors prone to climate crimes.  As the Tax Justice Network has previously noted, the climate crisis and financial secrecy are closely connected. Immense pressure and a set Read more >

CW report further underscores need for public procurement reform

Image by Freepik Corruption Watch’s recent Procurement Risk Trends 2023 report records the alarming rate at which state organs use the practice of deviations and contract expansions in public procurement, and not always for good purposes. While it clarifies that there may be perfectly valid reasons for deviating from a prescribed procurement procedure or for Read more >

Time for corporate SA to step up and join the fight against corruption

South Africa’s corporate sector is no angel when it comes to corruption. Numerous businesses were deeply implicated in the state capture era, and high-profile scandals like those of Steinhoff, EOH, VBS Bank, Bosasa, and Tongaat Hulett have severely tarnished the collective corporate reputation. The enablers of corporate corruption, such as legal and audit firms, have Read more >

GIJC23: SA among Global Shining Light Awards winners

This article first appeared on the Global Investigative Journalism Network website By Rowan Philp Stories on illegal mining in Venezuela, systemic banditry in northwestern Nigeria, police brutality in South Africa, and COVID-19 profiteering in North Macedonia won Global Shining Light Awards (GSLA) at the 13th Global Investigative Journalism Conference (#GIJC23). The prize honours watchdog journalism in developing Read more >

Gordhan proposes biggest shake-up of SOCs since the 1990s

This article first appeared on News24 By Carol Paton The National State Enterprises Bill, which will dramatically shake up the governance of state-owned companies (SOCs) and envisages them moving from line departments to a newly created state asset management company, was published for comment last Friday. It will also see the end of the government’s Read more >

Fine qualifications alone do not a public protector make

The unprecedented removal of Busisiwe Mkhwebane as public protector highlights the importance of selecting the right person for a job – especially one of such importance – through a rigorous process that disregards party or cadre issues and focuses solely on merit and suitability. Never before has a South African public protector been removed from Read more >