Corrupt Mpuma cops’ days are numbered

South Africans are used to encountering corruption in various aspects of their life, but it’s worse when the problem extends to visitors to the country. For instance, it’s worrying and embarrassing to find advice on how to approach corrupt South African traffic officers on international travel organisations such as TripAdvisor. Over the last few years Read more >

How to stop corruption: five key ingredients

First published by Transparency International There is no silver bullet for fighting corruption. Many countries have made significant progress in curbing corruption, however anti-corruption practitioners are always on the lookout for solutions and evidence of impact. Here are five ways that citizens and governments can make progress in the fight against corruption: End impunity   Read more >

Panama Papers and offshore tax havens

With Hanna Ziady First published on Moneyweb Image by Mark Lewis Corruption Watch’s executive director David Lewis spoke to financial journalist Hanna Ziady of Moneyweb on Monday, regarding the implications of the leaked Panama Papers, a story that had broken over the weekend. Read the transcript below: Hanna Ziady (HZ):  It has been described as Read more >

Local government elections 2016 – FAQ

The final registration weekend for the upcoming municipal elections takes place over the weekend of 9 and 10 April. If you’re a South African citizen remember that your vote is not only important when it comes to national elections – it’s at municipal level where government and citizens meet directly, and in a way this Read more >

TI calls for immediate action against secret companies

A global investigation, involving some 400 journalists from 80 countries, into the use of secret companies by the rich, powerful and corrupt has shown how a network of lawyers, bankers and others around the world hide illicit wealth. Transparency International (TI) calls on the international community to act immediately to adopt transparency laws to outlaw secret Read more >

Download the Constitutional Court Nkandla judgment

Download the unanimous judgment delivered this morning by a full bench of the Constitutional Court. The full session is available below to watch: For your convenience we have also provided the media summary below: Today the Constitutional Court handed down judgment in a matter concerning the power of the Public Protector to “take appropriate remedial Read more >

Zuma, Nat Assembly violated Constitution, says ConCourt

The Constitutional Court has ruled that President Jacob Zuma failed to uphold his duties as prescribed by the Constitution in dealing with the findings of Public Protector Thuli Madonsela with regard to Nkandla. Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng said Zuma “failed to defend, uphold and protect the Constitution of the land” in the matter and his Read more >

Corruption Watch appears in the Constitutional Court

UPDATE: The Constitutional Court will hand down judgment in this matter on 31 March at 10h00. Corruption Watch appeared on 9 February in the Constitutional Court as amicus curiae (friend of the court) in the application by the EFF and DA to enforce the public protector’s findings in the Nkandla report. Our focus in this Read more >

Mexican citizens fight corruption via smartphones

By Antonio Garza The governor of Puebla stepped down in July, stuffing some $900 000 in his pockets on the way out. It’s not a particularly unusual occurrence in Mexico, and you’ve likely heard about similar cases taking place across the country. But if you missed this particular story, don’t worry too much — it Read more >