Latest CW report shows more resistance to corruption

The 2017 Analysis of Corruption Trends (ACT) Report, released today by Corruption Watch, points to a positive trend of whistleblowing around the country and a greater willingness by the public to join the fight against corruption. The number of corruption complaints received in the first six months of 2017, at 2 744, represents a significant Read more >

Gordhan on BBC HARDtalk: why believe the Guptas?

By Gareth van Zyl First published on BizNews In an interview aired on BBC HARDtalk earlier in August, former finance minister Pravin Gordhan decried the levels of corruption in South Africa and how “disclosures” concerning one family, namely the Guptas, have revealed how the state has been hijacked. Gordhan now is just an ordinary MP Read more >

AU: 2018 is the African anti-corruption year

By Liesl Louw-Vaudran First published on the Institute for Security Studies (ISS) The African Union (AU) has marked 2018 as the African anti-corruption year, with the theme of Winning the Fight Against Corruption: A Sustainable Path to Africa’s Transformation. Anti-corruption activists and organisations across the continent will be happy to hear this. It comes at Read more >

Civil society freedoms and rights under threat

South Africa is one of a number of countries where civil society is not fully able to enjoy its freedoms and rights. The 2017 CIVICUS State of Civil Society report shows that across the globe, civil society space is under unprecedented levels of threat. “Around the world, it is becoming increasingly dangerous to challenge power, Read more >

Why do some peacekeepers rape?

Al Jazeera recently published an extensive report on accusations of sexual abuse and exploitation against the UN’s peacekeeping unit and what is being done to stop them. It touched on several dynamics of the UN peacekeeping arrangement, where countries provide troops for war-ravaged countries, with the intention of helping the citizens to transition back to Read more >

Make your voice heard by taking our TopCops survey

Take our police survey. Corruption Watch and the Institute for Security Studies (ISS) have established a joint public awareness campaign that focuses on the process resulting in the critical appointments of the South African Police Service (SAPS) national commissioner and the head of the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigations (the Hawks). We believe that both Read more >

Youth are not powerless to fight corruption

First published on Transparency International International Youth Day, which was marked last week on 11 August, celebrated the potential and power of young people around the globe to help shape a fairer and more just world.  Many young people are fighting corruption and making a big difference.  And we celebrate all of you. For those Read more >

Osisa report: efficacy of SADC’s anti-corruption bodies

Results of a study on anti-corruption bodies in the Southern African region were released in the region towards the end of July. Titled Effectiveness of Anti-Corruption Agencies in Southern Africa: Angola, Botswana, DRC, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe, the report was commissioned by the Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa Read more >

Turning big data in Africa into an anti-corruption tool

By Dr. Elizabeth Dávid-Barrett First posted on the Global Anticorruption Blog Many anti-corruption advocates are excited about the prospects of “big data” helping to detect and deter graft and other forms of malfeasance. As part of a project in this vein, titled Curbing Corruption in Development Aid-Funded Procurement, Mihály Fazekas, Olli Hellmann, and I have Read more >