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Hawks swoop on second Tshwane millions suspect

The Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation (DPCI), known more familiarly as the Hawks, said on Sunday, 03 May 2020 that its National Clean Audit Task Team has nabbed another suspect who was involved in the Tshwane metro multimillion corruption scandal. The 44-year-old man was arrested in Durban and charged with alleged fraud, money-laundering, and corruption, Read more >

Hefty fines for greedy companies

By Thato Mahlangu A company found guilty of inflating prices of masks and personal protection gear has agreed to pay millions in fines after the Competition Commission conducted an investigation into its activities, following complaints. The commission said on Wednesday it referred a matter to the Competition Tribunal after finding evidence of price inflation during Read more >

Corruption prisoners may be among those freed

As the Covid-19 pandemic intensifies, a number of countries have begun to free prisoners who qualify for release under the specific conditions laid down, which vary from nation to nation. In general, inmates whose crimes are considered to be non-violent have been released, as well as those who are nearing the end of their sentence. Read more >

Governance lessons from responses to Covid-19

By David Lewis First published on Maverick Citizen The formulation and implementation of economic policy are too important to be left to state officials and market participants alone. It requires the intelligence and knowledge of the citizens. The most effective source of the intelligence that should guide economic and social policy-making are community activists and Read more >

Lockdown causes funding challenges for organisations

By Thato Mahlangu Organisations that rely on individual donations and funding are also economically impacted by the scourge of Covid-19. The Abraham Kriel Children’s home, situated in Modimolle (formerly Nylstroom), was established more than 60 years ago. It’s one of many organisations that won’t get funding during the pandemic. The organisation, which is home to Read more >

Is CPS trying to get out of repaying its R316m debt?

By Zoë PostmanFirst published on GroundUp Corruption Watch slams “legal manoeuverings by CPS to avoid paying its debt to the fiscus” While the battle rages over how much money Cash Paymaster Services (CPS) might have to pay back to the South African Social Security Agency (Sassa), its parent company Net1 has applied to put CPS Read more >

Government announces new measures to help struggling SA

By Thato Mahlangu Billions will be made available to help South Africa get back on its feet, said President Cyril Ramaphosa in an address to the nation on 21 April 2020. Ramaphosa said that additional funding of R20-billion will be allocated to municipalities for the provision of emergency water supply and increased sanitisation of public transport Read more >

CW welcomes R500bn stimulus, cautions against corruption

Corruption Watch welcomes President Cyril Ramaphosa’s announcement on 21 April 2020 of a range of social and economic measures to the tune of R500-billion, to counteract the severe impact of the coronavirus pandemic. There is no doubt that the human, social and economic cost of the current lockdown has already taken a heavy toll, in Read more >

Artists struggle during the nation-wide lockdown

By Thato Mahlangu South Africans have been hit hard during the national lockdown, now in its fourth week – and local artists are no exception. Corruption Watch spoke to some artists this week, the first of the two-week extended period, and they told us they don’t know what the future holds for them. “All our Read more >