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SIU on the trail of govt officials abusing Covid-19 procurement

On Friday 5 February the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) released a report on its finalised investigations into ‘the procurement of, or contracting for, goods, works and services, including the construction, refurbishment, leasing, occupation and use of immovable property, during, or in respect of the National State of Disaster …’ The investigation was established in terms Read more >

Anti-corruption agencies bemoan skills shortage, lack of capacity

In mid-November the inter-ministerial Anti-Corruption Task Team (ACTT) briefed Parliament on progress in corruption cases involving a number of government departments and entities. Present were Lieutenant-General Godfrey Lebeya and advocates Shamila Batohi, Andy Mothibi, and Xolisile Khanyile – the heads of the Hawks, National Prosecuting Authority, Special Investigating Unit (SIU), and Financial Intelligence Centre (FIC) Read more >

deputy auditor-general

Location: Gauteng Requirement Overview The deputy auditor-general is head of administration of the office of the Auditor-General of South Africa (AGSA) in terms of section 32 of the Public Audit Act, subject to the directions of the auditor-general. Roles and Responsibilities Key to the role is the achievement of the organisation’s strategic objectives. The deputy Read more >

Employees let down by failed promise of TERS economic relief

The release of the Corruption Watch Covid-19 TERS Corruption at Work report today highlights the experiences of whistle-blowers short-changed by employers in delivering what was promised as temporary economic relief during Covid-19. The Temporary Employer / Employee Relief Scheme (TERS) was introduced during the national hard lockdown as one of a range of economic stimulus Read more >

MEDIA ADVISORY: CW to launch new report on TERS corruption

Corruption Watch will release the report Covid-19 TERS Corruption at Work on Monday 1 February 2021 at 08h00. The report puts a spotlight on how corruption manifested in the Covid-19 Temporary Employer / Employee Relief Scheme (TERS), as reported by whistle-blowers who approached the organisation. Since the introduction of TERS in March 2020, R37.1-billion from Read more >

2020 CPI: corruption worsens Covid-19 response and recovery

Transparency International’s 2020 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI), released today, highlights how corruption has impacted the ability of countries around the world, including South Africa, to manage their health care responses to the Covid-19 pandemic. South Africa has barely shifted its position, coming in once again with a score of 44 and a rank of 69, Read more >

2020 CPI a disappointing case of history repeating itself

Every year around this time, Transparency International (TI) releases its Corruption Perceptions Index – and every year we report on South Africa’s consistently lacklustre showing. In the previous CPI the country scored 44. In 2018 and 2017 it scored 43. Before that, South Africa managed 45 (2016), 44 (2015). 44 (2014), 42 (2013), and 43 Read more >

MEDIA ADVISORY: 2020 CPI to be released on 28 January 2021

Perceptions of corruption in South Africa will be under the spotlight again on Thursday, 28 January 2021, when Transparency International, the leading civil society organisation tackling corruption worldwide, will release its annual Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI).  The 2020 edition of the CPI ranks 180 countries by their perceived levels of public sector corruption, drawing on Read more >