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CW’s Project Larona aims to strengthen recognition of land rights

Image: Alliance for Rural Democracy Project Larona [laa-ro-nah]Lefatshe la rona – a Setswana phrase meaning “Our Land” The European Union Rallying Efforts to Accelerate Progress project (EU REAP), a multi-jurisdictional initiative, commenced in July 2021. It is led by the Transparency International Secretariat and funded by the European Commission (EuropeAid). EU REAP focuses on directly Read more >

David Lewis, CW’s founding exec director, reflects on a decade of activism

This piece is extracted from Corruption Watch’s 2021 annual report. For more information, click here. By Moepeng TalaneFirst published on Daily Maverick/Maverick Citizen Ten years ago, on 26 January 2012, Corruption Watch (CW) was launched publicly at Constitution Hill’s iconic women’s jail. Against the backdrop of this symbolic setting, an anti-corruption pledge was signed, with Read more >

We cannot let the Zondo report become another white elephant

This piece is extracted from Corruption Watch’s 2021 annual report. For more information, click here. By Karam SinghFirst published on News24 Since 2020, South Africans have had to deal with a multitude of new challenges and adapt to rapidly changing circumstances, as if the daily struggle for the majority of our people was not enough. Read more >

Striving for justice and change — meet the young activists in our midst

This piece is extracted from Corruption Watch’s 2021 annual report. For more information, click here. By Moepeng TalaneFirst published on Daily Maverick/Maverick Citizen South Africa’s dynamic history has a strong narrative of youth activism that transcended the dark days of a violent apartheid system and the accompanying restrictions. From the young pupils who were attacked Read more >

For whistle-blowers, there are few rewards but many risks

This piece is extracted from Corruption Watch’s 2021 annual report. For more information, click here. By Moepeng TalaneFirst published on News24 “The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything” – a quote attributable to the late Albert Einstein, renowned all over the world Read more >

SIU pounces on Lotteries Commission, finds corruption networks

By Kwazi Dlamini The Special Investigating Unit (SIU) is continuing to probe allegations of corruption against former board members of the National Lotteries Commission (NLC) and other senior officials. At the beginning of March the SIU submitted to Parliament an explosive status report alleging that NLC officials funnelled millions of rands meant to develop old Read more >