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We need much more: strengthening protection for whistle-blowers

By Kwazi Dlamini Today, 23 June, is World Whistleblower Day. It is another chance for us to acknowledge and appreciate the immense importance of blowing the whistle on corruption, and salute the courage of those who choose to come forward. Because whistle-blowing is one of the most effective ways to detect and prevent corruption, malfeasance, Read more >

Commonly-cited global corruption statistics are flawed, says U4

By Kwazi Dlamini US$1-trillion paid in bribes every year. Up to 30% of development aid lost to corruption annually. Corruption costs about 5% of global GDP every year. We hear these statistics quoted often in articles, reports, interviews, and more, but do we actually know how accurate these frightening figures are? Oslo-based anti-corruption advice team Read more >

Wheel of justice is turning, slowly but noticeably

By Karam Singh and Janine ErasmusFirst published on Business Day South Africans can be forgiven for feeling despondent about the state of corruption in South Africa. Every other day, it seems, brings new revelations of alleged malfeasance and misdemeanour, not just from ordinary citizens but from the very top levels of leadership in our country. Read more >

Auditor-General: 2020-2021 MFMA outcomes show continuing decline

Capable leaders should demonstrate change by strengthening transparency and accountability. This is the call from Auditor-General (AG) Tsakani Maluleke, who earlier today tabled the 2020-21 Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA) audit outcomes in the National Assembly. The usual five-year comparison period encompasses the entirety of the administration that took office in 2016, with local government Read more >

Parly committee shines the spotlight on corruption in local govt

Image: Flickr/GovernmentZA By Kwazi Dlamini Lack of will to deal with corruption cases at municipal level because they involve politically connected individuals remains a big hurdle for law enforcement agencies. This is according to the Special Investigating Unit (SIU), National Prosecuting Authority (NPA), and Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation (DPCI). The three agencies answered for Read more >