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Zondo recommendations: Public procurement is the space to watch

President Cyril Ramaphosa has confirmed that lifestyle audits for members of the executive will soon be implemented by his office as per the recommendations of the state capture commission. Furthermore, they will be prohibited from partaking in procurement decisions for any government department or entity. This is contained in the response by Ramaphosa to the Read more >

Matshela Koko, wife, and stepdaughter arrested for corruption

As South Africa continues to struggle under the burden of constant load-shedding, the news has broken that former Eskom acting CEO Matshela Koko, his wife Mosima Koko, and his stepdaughter Koketso Choma have finally been nabbed by the law. The trio was arrested on 27 October 2022 on charges of corruption. This after it was reported Read more >

Some wins so far in the fight to undo state capture

A permanent Investigative Directorate (ID), some successes in asset recovery, and greater protection for whistle-blowers. These are some of the highlights of President Cyril Ramaphosa’s action plan in response to the findings and recommendations of the state capture commission, or Zondo commission. The ID, which falls under the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA), is now a Read more >

SIU lays bare corruption and chaos in licencing system

On 24 October transport minister Fikile Mbalula briefed media on a Special Investigating Unit (SIU) probe into the country’s licensing system. The SIU has produced an interim report in terms of its proclamation R37 of 2017, and the levels of corruption and malfeasance it has so far uncovered are staggering. Proclamation R37, issued by then-president Read more >

New corruption laws proposed for businesses in South Africa

First published on BusinessTech One of the proposals from Chief Justice Raymond Zondo’s state capture report is to include failure to prevent corruption as a new criminal offence for companies. According to law firm Bowmans, this recommendation by Zondo will require the amendment of the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act 12 of 2004 Read more >

South Africa must prepare for FATF greylisting, says BLSA report

By David ThomasFirst published on African Business The probability of South Africa being greylisted by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is as high as 85%, according to a report commissioned by Business Leadership South Africa (BLSA) and compiled by analysts Intellidex.  The FATF, an intergovernmental organisation founded to develop policies to combat money laundering Read more >

Reserve Bank seizes Jooste property and items worth billions

It’s been five years since the Steinhoff scandal broke. Corruption Watch (CW) was one of many who condemned the financial irregularities which resulted in the South African multinational retail holding company overstating its assets and profits by nearly $12-billion. Since that time the calls for justice and consequences have not let up, especially those targeted Read more >