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The year that was – review of Parliament’s 2022

First published on Parliamentary Monitoring Group 2022 was another eventful parliamentary year. With the year done and dusted, we review some of the legislature’s activities and highlights from this period. The year got off to an ominous start with a devastating fire that gutted large parts of the National Assembly. This had a ripple effect Read more >

Opposition parties promise persistent corruption fight in 2023

By Ntombi NkosiFirst published on IOL Opposition parties have vowed to continue to fight corruption to ensure ethical governance in South Africa. The African Transformation Movement (ATM) said it will continue to fight for the goodwill of the people, ensuring that they “leave no stone unturned” in cases of injustice, maladministration and corruption. This is Read more >

The disgraceful act of belittling and threatening corruption fighters

By Kwazi Dlamini Lack of accountability is not only a threat to our constitutional democracy, but also to Chapter 9 institutions who are tasked with upholding and strengthening that democracy. A threat to these institutions means that they cannot fulfil their mandate to their full capacity and uphold the rule of law. The recent threats Read more >

Ramaphosa must ensure political accountability to win corruption fight

By Moepeng Valencia Talane South Africa has a serious corruption problem, and everyone including the morally compromised ANC agrees, but what we’re not agreeing on is the extent to which the absence of a culture of political accountability will keep corruption in place without tangible solutions. That is, if nothing is done by those with Read more >

Criminal justice partly responsible for empty tender defaulters register

Corruption Watch’s Procurement Watch (PW) tool is an invaluable resource for detailed monitoring of public procurement. By aggregating procurement data from reports submitted to National Treasury (NT) by all procuring organs of state, PW allows organisations and individuals to more easily pick up red flags relating to deviations and contract extensions in the public procurement sphere. Launched in October 2021, Read more >

IACD 2022 promotes all-of-society approach to anti-corruption

Today, 9 December, the world marks International Anti-Corruption Day (IACD). This year’s theme is UNCAC at 20: Uniting the World Against Corruption, and it also marks the beginning of the lead-up to the 20th anniversary of the UN Convention Against Corruption. Corruption is intertwined in most of the challenges that today’s world faces – challenges Read more >

Impeachment of the president – what’s that all about?

By Kwazi Dlamini President Cyril Ramaphosa faces arguably the toughest political battle of his career to date, surrounded as he is by the fallout of the Phala Phala scandal. Opposition political parties and his adversaries within the African National Congress (ANC) are calling for him to resign – indeed, last Friday Ramaphosa was rumoured to Read more >