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CW strongly refutes Ramaphosa’s claim that corruption has decreased in his term

PRESS RELEASE President Cyril Ramaphosa, in a wide-ranging interview yesterday with EWN’s political journalist Tshidi Madia and 702’s Clement Manyathela, made the claim that “commentators like Corruption Watch (CW) have said that during this term, they have seen incidents of corruption going down.”  The president made this statement in the context of listing his administration’s Read more >

Zuma judgment confirms key CSO role in upholding constitutional democracy

PRESS RELEASE The judgment handed down by the Constitutional Court (ConCourt) yesterday, regarding the IEC’s appeal against the Electoral Court order on the eligibility of former president Jacob Zuma’s candidacy in the upcoming elections, represents a win for civil society, says Corruption Watch (CW). The ConCourt ruled that Zuma was not eligible or qualified to Read more >

SA’s public service is dysfunctional – the 5 main reasons why

Image: EFE-EPA/Nic Bothma By Marcel NagarFirst published on The Conversation: Africa A public policy works well if it’s a good policy and if it’s carried out well. Politicians make policy and specialist bureaucrats in the public service carry it out. These appointed officials are supposed to follow a strict professional and ethical code of conduct. Read more >

Elections and the dirty game of disinformation

By Janine Erasmus At face value, the activity of electioneering appears to be well-intentioned – a simple act of campaigning for your political party of choice – but dirty tricks and manipulation abound when election campaigning goes into full swing and politicians’ consciences are nowhere to be found. Politicians often play on voters’ desperation and Read more >

New CW report shares insights on perceptions, impact of corruption

Corruption Watch (CW) releases today a new report assessing the profound impact of corruption on people’s lives, titled The Impact of Corruption: Insights from a Perceptions and Experiences Survey. This research study aims to highlight the perceptions, characteristics, and experiences of corruption, and the prevalence of corrupt practices within both the public and private sectors Read more >

Empty tender defaulters register is a systemic failure in accountability

By Kirsten Pearson In a nation gripped by the effects of corruption on service delivery and human rights realisation, one would expect all available accountability mechanisms to be used to stem maladministration. Yet, despite the South African public bearing witness to years of revelations of grand corruption via the state capture commission, a critical tool Read more >

Will Gordhan’s legacy be harmed by recent events?

By Moepeng Valencia Talane – CW Voices Public Enterprises Minister Pravin Gordhan recently told Parliament in a written response to a question that state entities under his watch for the past five years, which include Eskom, Transnet and South African Airways (SAA), had lost over R200-billion to corruption in that period. He has also announced Read more >

Support for ConCourt and the law, irrespective of outcome 

We, the undersigned organisations, call on all stakeholders to respect the decision of the Constitutional Court in relation to the Independent Electoral Commission of South Africa’s (IEC) appeal to be heard on 10 May 2024.  The IEC is appealing a recent judgment by the Electoral Court. This judgment overturned the IEC’s decision to uphold an Read more >