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Wits students take the test

As part of the ongoing My Hands Are Clean campaign, Corruption Watch’s mobile polygraph arrived at Wits University yesterday, to raise awareness of the dangers of corruption, and encourage students to not get involved in such activities. The event was organised by Tina Power, chairperson of Students for Law and Social Justice, and a campaigner Read more >

CW admitted as amicus in DA vs SABC case

CORRUPTION WATCH ADMITTED AS AMICUS CURIAE IN MATTER BETWEEN HLAUDI MOTSOENENG AND THE DEMOCRATIC ALLIANCE Corruption Watch has been granted leave to intervene as amicus curiae in Hlaudi Motsoeneng / Democratic Alliance & Others (SCA Case No. 393/15), a matter which is on appeal from the Cape High Court and which will involve a determination Read more >

‘Cleared’ Jiba faces potential obstacles

Dear Corruption Watch, the national director of public prosecutions recently announced that not only have charges of fraud and perjury against his deputy, Nomgcobo Jiba, been withdrawn, but she’s been promoted! How can she have a future at the NPA? Concerned Crime Fighter Dear Concerned Crime Fighter, Jiba’s integrity was called into question in the Read more >

Thorough checks will unmask CV fraudsters

Fraudsters who lie about their experience and qualifications on their CVs are popping up regularly in South Africa – but it’s entirely possible to prevent these unscrupulous individuals from entering the workplace. This important responsibility lies with human resource (HR) departments, and it’s a task they can achieve if they do their work properly. This Read more >

Global corruption snapshots: 20 August 2015

He exposed corruption. Now he’s dead Mexican photojournalist Rubén Espinosa was found tortured and murdered, along with human rights activist Nadia Vera and three other women. – Election voices: Sri Lankans’ hopes for their nation Voting for new parliament closes, in virtual referendum on former leader Mahinda Rajapaksa’s comeback bid. – Al Jazeera Corruption Read more >

67 reasons to fight corruption

With the seventh international Mandela Day just past, it’s clear that July is observed by many people around the world as an opportunity to serve the people around them and do good in their communities for at least 67 minutes – one for each year Mandela devoted to public service. In this article, first published Read more >

Migrants have rights in refugee process

Dear Corruption Watch, So many immigrants seeking refuge, opportunity and a future in South Africa are greeted with contempt and “xenophobia” that it’s a wonder we still have so many applications for asylum. But I’m hearing that in addition to such indignities, refugees must pay bribes to become documented aliens. Don’t our laws protecting people’s Read more >

Gains, losses in SA anti-bribery compliance

The latest anti-corruption survey from law firm ENSafrica is out – this year 88 organisations, including ENS corporate clients, across Africa participated. In the latest ENSafrica survey, South Africa is named as one of eight corruption hotspots on the continent, based on the experiences of respondents. Image: ENSafrica. The survey, said ENSafrica in a statement, Read more >

New Gauteng provincial banker announced

The Gauteng provincial government (GPG) today announced that First National Bank will be the GPG’s banking supplier for the next five years. The tender for banking services, together with that of the Cedar Road upgrade, comprised the pilot phase of the GPG’s Open Tender project. With the award of the banking tender, the pilot phase Read more >