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Meet Transparency Int’l MD Cobus de Swardt

Transparency International’s (TI) MD Cobus de Swardt recently chatted to about his career with the global anti-corruption organisation. Listen to the podcast, or read the transcription below.   Well, when I first met Cobus de Swardt here at the World Economic Forum in Davos, I thought this man has a good South African name, Read more >

100 days: Public Protector to expand access to services

A negative media image and political scoring at the expense of the credibility of her office are the only challenges keeping Public Protector Busisiwe Mkhwebane awake at night. As for everything else, she has competent staff and the country’s sound legislative framework to guide her office through its tough mandate. It is with this attitude Read more >

Corruption a major enabler of the illegal wildlife trade

Wildlife poaching is still a problem that affected countries such as South Africa can’t seem to get to grips with. A new report, released in November 2016 by the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA), details the role that corruption plays in the perpetuation of the atrocious trade – corruption that emanates not only from countries that Read more >

CW running out of patience with Hawks in Sars matter

Corruption Watch has written again to the Hawks in the matter of their investigation into employees of the South African Revenue Service (Sars), namely Sars head Tom Moyane as well as Jonas Makwakwa and Kelly-Ann Elskie, all in respect of contraventions of the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act, the Financial Intelligence Centre Act, Read more >

Kenyan schools face land corruption battle

By Nicky Rehbock It was December and the school grounds were empty. Students and staff of Langata Road Primary School in Nairobi were home for the holidays, enjoying the break from lessons during the hot, sticky days. At first no one noticed when builders moved onto the property with bricks and cement. Within two days Read more >

CW makes more submissions on draft FIC amendment bill

Corruption Watch has made further submissions in Parliament on the draft Financial Intelligence Centre (FIC) amendment bill. We made our initial written submissions on the bill on 1 June 2015 and made oral submissions before the Standing Committee on Finance on 2 February 2016. Our concerns at that time centred primarily on lack of clarity Read more >

Corruption fight not lost as long as resistance continues

By David Lewis First published in The Star Transparency International’s 2016 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) released on Wednesday, scores South Africa at 45 out of 100, a minuscule improvement on our 2015 score of 44. Our ranking has declined from 61 of 168 countries in 2015 to 64 of 176 countries in 2016. Of the Read more >

SA moves up a notch on CPI, but murky deals pose a risk

Transparency International’s (TI) Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) 2016, which each year ranks a wide range of countries in relation to perceptions about levels of corruption in their public sectors, was released today. Local TI chapter Corruption Watch reports that South Africa’s score has improved slightly, moving one place up on the scoring table from 44 Read more >

2016 CPI shows tiny gain for SA, but fight must go on

Not much has changed for South Africa in this year’s Corruption Perceptions Index, released today by Transparency International (TI). Using surveys and questionnaires, the index ranks countries on a scale from 0 (perceived to be highly corrupt) to 100 (perceived to be very clean), in terms of their perceived levels of corruption. With a 2016 Read more >