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Can we put an end to corruption?

The South African government recently announced its national anti-corruption strategy (NACS), that is aimed at tackling corruption in the public and private sectors, civil society, and citizen sector, as well as looking forward to other forms of corruption that could arise in the future – for example, cybercrime as a result of the evolution of Read more >

Navigating our democracy in a bid to defeat corruption

By Sabeehah Motala In 1994, South Africans universally experienced the first promise of freedom – the right to vote. For the first time, all participated in democracy by selecting their preferred party to govern. Now, 23 years later, we see a situation where our leaders seem to be able to loot state coffers without fear and it’s Read more >

CW asks Gigaba for FICA commencement date

Corruption Watch has written to finance minister Malusi Gigaba, requesting clarification on the date on which the Financial Intelligence Centre (FIC) amendment act will commence, as well as timeframes for the finalisation of regulations and schedules required to support the implementation of the act. President Jacob Zuma signed the FIC amendment act into law on Read more >

More on the national anti-corruption strategy

The national anti-corruption strategy (NACS) has been a discussion topic for some months. Its launch, originally planned for 9 December – which is International Anti-Corruption Day – was delayed until May. The NACS is now open for discussion. We look at the main take-home points. The rationale for developing an overarching NACS is to: Rejuvenate Read more >

Proposed new Saps anti-corruption unit could work

It is possible to combat police corruption, write Johan Burger and Stefan Grobler of the Institute for Security Studies (ISS). But it depends on having the right leaders and staff, and sufficient capacity in place. The South African Police Service (Saps) is developing a draft anti-corruption strategy – its finalisation was planned for the beginning of 2016/2017, but to date, Read more >

Sassa turnabout on CW’s legal challenge

The decision by the South African Social Services Agency (Sassa) to oppose legal action by Corruption Watch over irregular expenditure incurred in 2015 for the re-registration of beneficiaries by Cash Paymaster Service (CPS) was deemed irrational by the agency, leading to its recent withdrawal from the case. CEO Thokozani Magwaza conceded as much to the Read more >

The descent of Jacob Zuma in 31 steps and counting

By Kavisha Pillay and Mark Hayward First published on Daily Maverick Last week, the Constitutional Court heard arguments that Parliament should either allow for, or be ordered to conduct, a secret ballot when MPs are voting in a motion of no confidence against President Jacob Zuma. The hearing came after a weekend of storms covered Read more >

Eskom/Brian Molefe saga: a timeline

South Africans can be forgiven for sometimes not being able to keep up with events, especially in the public sphere. Developments happen in rapid succession and it can be difficult to keep a clear picture in mind or get a good idea of the magnitude of events. In the case of the Eskom saga, which Read more >

State employees benefit from irregular business with govt

The Office of the Auditor-General (AGSA) recently expressed concern to Parliament’s Standing Committee on Public Accounts (Scopa) that there have been no consequence for public officials doing business with the state, despite recommendations made years ago on how best to address the issue. Government has paid out millions over the past decade or so to Read more >