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Call for comment: Popi Act draft regulations

The Protection of Personal Information Act (Popi) impacts any person or organisation who holds any form of personal data. Corruption Watch is one of these organisations, and we take our responsibilities as a custodian of private information seriously. We have put security measures in place that include Secure Socket Layer-encryption on our online report forms, Read more >

South African NGOs question IFC’s investment into Net1

Earlier this week Corruption Watch, Black Sash and Equal Education filed a complaint with the Compliance Advisor / Ombudsman (CAO) of the International Finance Corporation (IFC) regarding the circumstances under which the IFC made a combined equity investment of $107-million in Net1 UEPS Technologies Inc. and its subsidiary, Cash Paymaster Services (Pty) Ltd. The complainants Read more >

No place like home, but not for all South Africans

By Melusi Ncala First published in Bosveld Review Childhood memories are often coloured by sunny days, clear and cool swimming pools, conversations filled with laughter, and tasty boerewors rolls and salads. This hive of activity takes place in a sizable yard where the lawns are neatly cut, green trees are perfectly pruned and there is Read more >

CW is amicus in EFF vs Speaker ConCourt case

Corruption Watch will appear as amicus curiae on Tuesday, 5 September 2017, in the EFF’s Constitutional Court application inquiring into Parliament’s failure to hold President Jacob Zuma accountable. The matter follows on the Nkandla judgment, delivered on 31 May 2016, relating to a case that had been brought forward by the party, with the DA, Read more >

Latest CW report shows more resistance to corruption

The 2017 Analysis of Corruption Trends (ACT) Report, released today by Corruption Watch, points to a positive trend of whistleblowing around the country and a greater willingness by the public to join the fight against corruption. The number of corruption complaints received in the first six months of 2017, at 2 744, represents a significant Read more >

Gordhan on BBC HARDtalk: why believe the Guptas?

By Gareth van Zyl First published on BizNews In an interview aired on BBC HARDtalk earlier in August, former finance minister Pravin Gordhan decried the levels of corruption in South Africa and how “disclosures” concerning one family, namely the Guptas, have revealed how the state has been hijacked. Gordhan now is just an ordinary MP Read more >

CW, ISS motivate for public say in top cops’ appointments

Corruption Watch and the Institute for Security Studies (ISS) have established a joint public awareness campaign that focuses on the process resulting in the upcoming appointments of the South African Police Service (SAPS) national commissioner and the head of the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigations (the Hawks). We believe that both critical appointments require a Read more >

Why it’s crucial to know who funds our political parties

By Leanne Govindsamy First published on News24 The very first section of South Africa’s Constitution sets out the founding values of our democratic state and its aspirations to a society which is non-racial, non-sexist and which advances human dignity and human rights and freedoms. Core to these founding values is the right to vote, the Read more >

AU: 2018 is the African anti-corruption year

By Liesl Louw-Vaudran First published on the Institute for Security Studies (ISS) The African Union (AU) has marked 2018 as the African anti-corruption year, with the theme of Winning the Fight Against Corruption: A Sustainable Path to Africa’s Transformation. Anti-corruption activists and organisations across the continent will be happy to hear this. It comes at Read more >