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CW, R2K frustrated by state delays in Seriti review

Corruption Watch (CW) and the Right2Know (R2K) Campaign have expressed their frustration at the state’s unacceptable delays in responding to their review application in respect of the findings of the Arms Procurement Commission, also known as the Seriti Commission. It is almost a year since the two civil society organisations filed their application in the Read more >

CW calls for transparency in MultiChoice/ANN7 matter

With thanks to News24 UPDATE, 29 November 2017: New revelations released today seem to indicate that MultiChoice entered into a deal with  with the SABC in exchange for that entity’s political influence over digital migration. The information was extracted from the minutes of a meeting held on 6 June 2013, between MultiChoice and the interim Read more >

CW urges new commissioner to restore police integrity

Corruption Watch welcomes the appointment of the new South African Police Service national commissioner, Lt-General Khehla Sithole, with cautious optimism.  We have called for the new commissioner to be experienced in police service and we are pleased to note General Sithole’s long record of service and vast experience. Lt-General Sithole, who joined the police service Read more >

State social, justice systems fail to protect abused pupil

In early 2017 Corruption Watch was alerted by a whistle-blower to a situation at Siphesihle Secondary School in Verulam, KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) involving a 16-year old pupil and the principal of her school. The principal is alleged to have taken the learner to his house where he took advantage of the young woman by sexually abusing Read more >

Global Corruption Barometer now available

Transparency International (TI) yesterday launched the consolidated version of its Global Corruption Barometer series (GCB), based on five regional reports that have been published over the last two years. The GCB – the world’s largest survey asking citizens about their direct personal experience of corruption in their daily lives – shows what people experience and just Read more >

TI UK and CW call for Gupta banks to be investigated

First published on Transparency International UK A recent statement in the UK Parliament has generated widespread speculation that a major British bank has been involved in the South Africa’s Gupta scandal. In response, Transparency International (TI) UK and Corruption Watch, TI’s national chapter in South Africa, have called for a firm approach to be taken Read more >

TI: improving the Global Corruption Barometer

By Coralie Pring, research expert at Transparency International Published on the Global Anti-Corruption Blog Transparency International has been running the Global Corruption Barometer (GCB) – a general population survey on corruption experience and perception – for a decade and a half now. Before moving ahead with plans for the next round of the survey, we Read more >

Mining royalties: Bakwena ba Mogopa community

Corruption Watch will visit with community members in Bakwena ba Mogopa, North West, next week as part of a project to research and understand the impact of the maladministration of mining royalties on communities in the region, and to identify the gaps in the legislative and policy frameworks that adversely affect the processes. Corruption Watch Read more >