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NSFAS – credibility is achieved through co-operation, not confrontation

Photo: Jaco Marais By Moepeng TalaneFirst published on News24 When the sixth Parliament wraps up its term ahead of next year’s general elections, it will no doubt have an array of unresolved institutional governance matters relating to state organs hanging over it. The legacy reports of the different portfolio committees will contain concerns of corruption, Read more >

Compromised WC criminal justice system a boon for gangs

Image: GroundUp A year ago we reported that the Western Cape (WC) police ombud Oswald Reddy had been requested to investigate allegations that police members and gang members in the province were in cahoots. This followed a biting Western Cape High Court judgment in a case involving the 28s gang, delivered on 17 October 2022, Read more >

The three revolutions of public procurement in Africa

By Edwin MuhumuzaFirst published on Open Contracting Partnership Public procurement is like the heartbeat of public spending in most of Africa – by some estimates, it accounts for 17% of the GDP of African countries.  There is growing recognition that the public procurement system can be a strong force for policy implementation, helping to tackle Read more >

Ways to get involved in Parliament as a member of the public

Parliament, in its own words, “is the place where the members of Parliament [MPs] look after your interests.” It is only just, therefore, that Parliament allows public participation and oversight so that people can rest assured that MPs do indeed have the nation’s interests at heart. This is vital in a well-functioning democracy, because MPs Read more >