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Rule of law declines around the world, says WJP

The 2018 Rule of Law Index, released by the World Justice Project (WJP), measures adherence to the rule of law in 113 countries and jurisdictions worldwide. Based on more than 110 000 household and 3 000 expert surveys, the index uses eight factors – Constraints on Government Powers, Absence of Corruption, Open Government, Fundamental Rights, Read more >

Open Government Week aims to curb distrust in govt

An open, transparent, accountable and ethical government is possible when citizens, civil society and governments come together. This week, 7 – 11 May, is Open Government Week (OGW), an occasion during which countries belonging to the Open Government Partnership (OGP) will focus on developing the culture and practice of transparency, participation and accountability both in Read more >

CW board member to preside over Moyane disciplinary

UPDATE, 22 May 2018: Kate O’Regan has been replaced by advocate Azhar Bham SC, after an objection by the legal team of Moyane. Moyane’s team had concerns about O’Regan’s impartiality in the matter. Embattled former South African Revenue Service (Sars) commissioner Tom Moyane is to face disciplinary charges. The Presidency announced last week that it Read more >

Vote now for your SA Integrity Idol!

South Africa’s first Integrity Idol will be announced at a public ceremony on 19 May at the Artscape Threatre Centre in Cape Town. Voting is now open, so don’t waste any more time – cast your vote and honour these exemplary public servants. How to vote? National voting begins on 4 May and ends on Read more >

Print media not empowering citizens on corruption

By Vanessa Malila First published on The Conversation The mainstream media can play an important role in fighting corruption. Investigative journalists in South Africa, for instance, helped to expose how the politically connected Gupta family “captured” elements of the governing African National Congress. As watchdogs of society, the media is well placed to forge social Read more >

G20 dragging feet on beneficial ownership

Source: Transparency International The corrupt don’t like paper trails, they like secrecy. What better way to hide corrupt activity than with a secret company or trust as a front? You can anonymously open bank accounts, make transfers and launder dirty money. If the company is not registered in your name, it can’t always be traced Read more >

Meet the 2018 Integrity Idols SA finalists!

The finalists in South Africa’s first Integrity Idols initiative have been announced. They are a doctor, a police captain, a nurse, two EMS responders, and an educator, drawn from across the country. South Africans were asked to nominate those civil servants working in the healthcare, education, and safety and security sectors, and whose work ethic Read more >

Access to information in Africa: highs and lows

In its 2017 State of Access to Information in Africa report, the Open Democracy Advice Centre (Odac) studies 12 African countries in terms of their access to information (ATI) laws and practices. The countries are Cote d’Ivoire, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda and Zimbabwe. Of the 12 countries under Read more >

Blockchain, Bitcoin and the fight against corruption

Even if you don’t know exactly what Bitcoin is, or how blockchain works, chances are you’ve at least heard about or read the words in the media. The technology is undoubtedly groundbreaking – but for some it conjures up images of shady dealings, tax evasion, and cross-border crime. However, others are touting these technologies as Read more >