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SOE shakeup in Ramaphosa’s first 100 days

As the image and governance standards of South Africa’s state owned entities (SOEs) are being restored by the recent appointments of new boards by Public Enterprises Minister Pravin Gordhan, and the Commission of Inquiry into State Capture hits the ground running, we marked the first 100 days of President Cyril Ramaphosa’s administration. His term so Read more >

New top cop an organised crime specialist

Veteran policeman Dr Seswantsho Godfrey Lebeya has been around the block, several times – and last week he was named as the new head of the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation (DCPI), or Hawks. Photo © Godfrey Lebeya. Lebeya is not only a distinguished former police officer with over 30 years of experience, but he Read more >

State capture commission almost up and running

By Kwazi Dlamini UPDATE, 27 July 2018: Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo has confirmed that the first hearings into state capture will begin on 20 August this year and implicated individuals will be alerted about the proceedings on Monday. He said the hearings will not last less than three weeks and might even take longer, Read more >

10 corruption & transparency quotes to inspire you

First published on Voices for Transparency. 1.“We need to tell each other our stories. We need to show that everyone — our neighbors, our families, our community leaders — everyone we know is touched by corruption.” — Jennifer Lawrence, actress. When did she say it? JLaw made that comment in a post on Facebook after seeing a video from the US Read more >

Submissions invited on Political Party Funding Bill

Parliament’s Ad Hoc Committee on the Funding of Political Parties has opened the window for submissions and comments from all stakeholders and interested parties, on the draft Political Party Funding Bill. The committee invites parties to send through their written submissions on the bill from now until the closing date and time of 16h00 on Read more >

Information Regulator must start doing its job

South Africa’s Information Regulator (IR) was established in 2016, as a provision of the Protection of Personal Information Act, or Popi. The IR came into being before Popi was in force, but sections pertaining to the entity were put into effect through a presidential proclamation in April 2014. Popi was signed into law in November Read more >

NPA to review decision not to prosecute Moyane

While Corruption Watch welcomes the filing of disciplinary charges against Tom Moyane, the suspended commissioner of South African Revenue Services (Sars), we are concerned at the apparent reluctance of the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) to launch a prosecution of Moyane. Ever since the highly suspicious activities of Jonas Makwakwa, effectively Moyane’s second in command at Read more >

Public participation invited for review of section 25

South Africa’s National Assembly, with the concurrence of the National Council of Provinces, has mandated the joint constitutional review committee to: Review section 25 of the Constitution and other sections where necessary, to make it possible for the state to expropriate land in the public interest without compensation; Propose the necessary constitutional amendments where applicable Read more >

Zim parents must buy fake permits for schoolchildren

South Africa’s home affairs department is not immigrant-friendly. At least, not to immigrants who are ordinary people trying to make a modest living. If you’re wealthy, it may be another story entirely. Our Project Lokisa report, released in November 2016, exposed rampant corruption in Home Affairs’ Marabastad refugee offices, where people were forced to pay Read more >