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Secretive, unearned promotions threaten SA’s policing

By Johan Burger First published on the ISS website As South Africans start to feel optimistic about actions to fix the criminal justice system, a secret project in the police could substantially weaken its ability to become a professional organisation. The South African Police Service (Saps) is promoting 600 people into management positions – not Read more >

Civil society organisations welcome new SIU Tribunal

SECTION27 and Corruption Watch welcome the establishment of the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) Tribunal and the appointment of senior judges to oversee this crucial task. This is an important and ground-breaking development led by President Cyril Ramaphosa, which demonstrates the government’s commitment to addressing corruption in a meaningful way. David Lewis, executive director of Corruption Read more >

CW engages young African leaders on fighting corruption

Young people are always an important demographic to engage with in the fight against corruption. As the future professionals, activists and leaders of our world, young people should be equipped with an understanding of what corruption is, its effects on the economy, society and politics, and how they can use their skills to come up Read more >

CW weighs in on renewal of IPID head’s contract

On Friday, 22 February, Corruption Watch made a submission to Parliament’s Portfolio Committee on Police (PCP) on the process to determine the renewal of the contract of the executive director of the Independent Police Investigating Directorate (IPID). The submission relates to Corruption Watch’s involvement as amicus curiae in the legal matter of Robert McBride and Read more >

CW contributes to Home Affairs’ white paper

On Monday 18 February 2019 Corruption Watch made submissions on the 2019 white paper on Home Affairs, after the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) put out the call for comments towards the end of January. The deadline was 18 February. The white paper is part of the DHA’s repositioning programme that, it says, will align Read more >

Zondo Commission – week 20 overview

The return of Vytjie Mentor to the stand and a glimpse into what is coming from Ipid boss Robert McBride – the week that was at the commission of inquiry into state capture. Former ANC MP Mentor was the first witness to undergo cross-examination this week, and it did not look good for her, for Read more >

Party funding act useless if not enacted

By Pierre de Vos First published on Constitutionally Speaking Political parties in South Africa tend to resemble Eskom: they burn through piles of cash but seldom deliver as promised. Some of this cash comes from “donations” made to political parties (or to political leaders) by individuals and businesses (think Gavin Watson and Bosasa or Adriano Read more >

CW defends IPID independence in McBride matter

                                                                                                                         On Thursday 7 February, Corruption Watch requested admittance as amicus curiae in the matter of Robert McBride and the Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID) vs the Minister of Police and the Portfolio Committee on Police (PCP) in the National Assembly. The organisation’s interest in the matter arises from the important constitutional issues it embodies, Read more >