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Edward Kieswetter is new head of Sars

President Cyril Ramaphosa has appointed Edward Kieswetter as the new commissioner for South African Revenue Service (Sars) with effect from 1 May 2019 for a term of five years. Kieswetter’s appointment was guided by the recommendations of the Nugent Commission of Inquiry into Tax Administration and Governance at Sars, as well as the recommendation to Read more >

Observer applications now open for 2019 elections

The Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) is currently accepting applications for observer status in the 2019 national and provincial elections, from organisations only. Interested parties must download the application for accreditation and return the completed forms to the IEC by no later than 17h00 on 31 March 2019. Observers, both domestic and international, play a crucial Read more >

CW report highlights flaws in the mining royalties system

Today Corruption Watch (CW) launched its 2018 Mining Royalties Research Report, highlighting the complexities and challenges in the management and distribution of mining royalties to people living in mine-affected communities, the majority of whom remain without any tangible benefits.  Since 2004, South African law has decreed that mineral and petroleum resources belong to the people Read more >

Resisting the looters who stole our human rights

Media Statement: Civil Society Working Group The struggle against state capture and corruption in South Africa is a struggle for human rights. This is why the current revelations at the Commission of Inquiry into State Capture (the Zondo Commission) are important – they lay bare the various networks of looters in the public and private Read more >

CW launches mining royalties report

Corruption Watch will be launching a report titled Improving Transparency and Accountability in the Management and Administration of Mining Royalties and/or Community, in a series of community and stakeholder engagements that are scheduled to take place on 26 March in Johannesburg and 27 – 28 March in the North West province. The report examines the Read more >

SA a dim light on rule of law index

By Kwazi Dlamini Rule of Law Definition: That individuals, persons and government shall submit to, obey and be regulated by law, and not arbitrary action by an individual or a group of individuals ~ Duhaime’s Law Dictionary No stranger to mediocre ratings, South Africa also does not impress when it comes to obeying the rule Read more >

ACJR: NPA needs to build trust by acting in public interest

By Kwazi Dlamini In February the University of the Western Cape’s Dullar Omar Institute released, under its Africa Criminal Justice Reform (ACJR) project, a discussion document on the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA). The document deals with three key concepts associated with the NPA and its relation to the public, namely accountability, public interest and trust. Read more >

GCB, Jiba and Mrwebi back in court today

Today the Constitutional Court hears arguments from both sides in the matter of the General Council of the Bar (GCB) v Jiba, Mrwebi and others. The GCB is applying for leave to appeal a Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA) judgment reinstating top National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) officials Nomgcobo Jiba and Lawrence Mrwebi to the roll Read more >

Poor ‘golden visa’ due diligence a gift to the corrupt

By Daniel GayneFirst published on Global Witness Yesterday, 11 March, was Commonwealth Day, and this year’s theme was A Connected Commonwealth. How appropriate – it is after all, the Commonwealth’s incredible connectedness that has made its members such successful players in the fast-expanding US$3-billion ‘Golden Visa’ market. Golden visas – or citizenship-by-investment programmes for those Read more >