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How NA and prov. legislature seats are calculated

All calculations are contained in Schedule 1A of the Electoral Act, 73 of 1998 South Africans don’t vote for individuals – they vote for parties who then elect the individuals they think would do the best job in representing the people. The proportion of representation a party has in Parliament is calculated according to a Read more >

Live election results on IEC website

Follow the Independent Electoral Commission’s (IEC) live coverage of the vote counting in South Africa’s sixth general election, held yesterday, 8 May. As of 09h00 on 9 May, results had been tallied in 26.22% of voting districts. Click on the graphic to go to the IEC’s live results page. A snapshot of election results at Read more >

Anti-corruption in party manifestos

By Sabeehah MotalaFirst published on News24 In just one day, South Africans who have registered to vote will be making their way to their local polling stations, ready to have their say in who leads the country for the next five years. The track record of corruption in the governments we have elected so far Read more >

Voter FAQ –
South African elections 2019

First published on Political parties are wrapping up their campaigning and South Africa is gearing up for its most pivotal elections since the dawn of democracy. A record number of voters have registered for the 8 May 2019 general elections and some votes have already been cast. Everything is in place ahead of the Read more >

Municipalities avoid explaining irregular procurement

In part two of our local municipality mini-series, we describe investigations relating to some municipalities which were reported to us for irregular procurement processes. Part one dealt with the 2019 Government Performance Index, released recently by Good Governance Africa. Corruption Watch gets most of its reports from people wanting to expose corruption in provincial government Read more >

Local municipalities in the spotlight

“The performance of local municipalities in South Africa is the indicator of the country’s heartbeat. Local municipalities are the closest institution to citizens; they reflect in great measure levels of citizen engagement – as recipients but also as contributors. In addition, local government shows, like no other indicator, the health of public institutions at the Read more >

CW welcomes the dismissal of Jiba and Mrwebi

Corruption Watch welcomes the president’s decision to dismiss Nomgcobo Jiba and Lawrence Mrwebi from the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA). This decision gives effect to the findings of the Mokgoro Commission, which determined that neither were fit and proper to occupy their high offices. Both have been found to have engaged in a myriad of activities Read more >

Corruption tears apart the fabric of ordinary lives

By Kavisha Pillay and Deborah Mutemwa-TumboFirst published on Daily Maverick We live in a society where corruption has become a culture, a normalised act, a sickness of our being. Presidents, politicians, businessmen, false prophets and the like have tried to rope our nation into a state of submission, one that will tolerate the decay of Read more >

Rampant corruption impedes women’s rights 

By Sabeehah MotalaFirst published in The Sowetan Born on 27 April 1994, age-mate of South African democracy, it would be dishonest to say things are as I expected them to be at age 25. As a patriotic South African, I cannot ignore the legacy of inequality that apartheid left us with. Although I never lived Read more >