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Are our whistle-blowers adequately protected?

Part one of our mini-series on South African laws that protect whistle-blowers focused mainly on the Protected Disclosures Act (PDA) – our main piece of legislation – and the key ways that it differs from international best practice. In part two we examine how the actual procedures for making a disclosure measure up. Once the Read more >

After two decades of evasion, Mdluli bites the dust

By Kwazi Dlamini On Tuesday 30 July 2019, former head of police crime intelligence Richard Mdluli was found guilty of four counts of intimidation, two counts of kidnapping and three counts of assault at the North Gauteng High Court. The charges relate to a love triangle that involved Mdluli’s former partner and another man in Read more >

CW adds voice to IEC’s proposed party funding regulations

Corruption Watch has made written submissions to the Independent Electoral Commission on their proposed regulations to the Political Party Funding Act. This follows the organisation’s oral and written submissions to Parliament during 2017, on the Political Party Funding Bill. The commission is holding public hearings into the draft regulations for the Political Party Funding Act Read more >

Understanding the psychology of corruption in SA

By Tove van LennepFirst published on Daily Maverick The idea that corrupt public servants are morally deficient obscures the fact that morality is frequently invoked to legitimise corruption itself. South African public servants usually accept that their corrupt acts are illegal, but stress that they are also moral; performed in the name of some social Read more >

SA’s whistle-blower protection – how robust is it?

Whistle-blower – A person who exposes any kind of information or activity that is deemed illegal, unethical, or not correct within an organisation that is either private or public Wim Vandekerckhove, Whistleblowing and Organizational Social Responsibility : A Global Assessment. Whistle-blowers are the lifeblood of Corruption Watch. Our work is driven by the reports we receive Read more >

CW asks Parly to probe PP’s fitness to hold office

Today Corruption Watch submitted a letter to the Speaker of the National Assembly and the parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Justice and Correctional Services, requesting the committee to exercise its oversight function and investigate whether the incumbent public protector is fit to hold office. The letter highlights the critical role played by the Office of the Read more >

Flouting constitutional duties will not be tolerated

The judgment handed down yesterday against the public protector, Busisiwe Mkhwebane, in the case of ABSA Bank and Others v the Public Protector and Others, is profoundly significant for a number of reasons. Christine Botha of the Centre for Constitutional Rights unpacks the significance of yesterday’s judgment, reminds us of the events leading up to Read more >

Mogoeng: “Masters of corruption are everywhere”

By Canny MaphangaFirst published on News24 Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng says South Africa, the rest of the continent and the rest of the world will not be able to defeat corruption unless the narrative that it is a “black thing” is debunked. “We have channelled ourselves into believing that corruption can only be in the Read more >

State capture could not succeed without help at the top

The man of the moment at the Commission into Allegations of State Capture, also known as the Zondo commission, is former president Jacob Zuma. Zuma has been strongly and frequently implicated in irregular goings on and deviations from procedure, and is widely seen as one of the enablers of the state capture project, as it Read more >